USP / touch base / pie in the sky / get one's house in order / bite off more than one can chew
rivet / measured / paw / methodical / hazy / riddle / no sooner.. than
[ 비즈니스 영어 ] on board / gel / shelve / in / out of the loop
play around / along / up / down / at / on / around with
drop-dead gorgeous / beauty is in the eye of the beholder / get one's beauty sleep / dressed to kill / be decked out
Diary : in the offing / just around the corner / before you know it / on the horizon / (sth) is brewing
Diary : all over the map / keep in the loop / speak of the devil / wrap head around it / ruffle feathers
bury the hatchet / pan out / out of the picture / slack off / slacker
I've never been so sure of anything in my life. / 운명 영어 명언
그냥 닥치고 싶지만, bitchin' / bitch / bitchy / son of a bitch / bitch out
pay one's dues / cut corners / add insult to injury / out of hand
on the piss / piss away / piss off / take the piss out of / piss and moan / piss poor