전체 글
USP / touch base / pie in the sky / get one's house in order / bite off more than one can chew
USP / touch base / pie in the sky / get one's house in order / bite off more than one can chew
2022.10.12[ 비즈니스 영어 02. ] - Oxford online englishquick on one's feet : 순발력이 좋은If you're quick on your feet, you can adapt to new situations easily.▸ We still need to be quick on our feet.우린 여전히 발빠르게 대응할 필요가 있어요. bite off more than one can chew : 무리하다, 분에 넘치는 일을 하려고 하다try to do something which is too dificult for you▸ Perhaps I have bitten off more than I can chew... I'm not so familiar with the technical ..
rivet / measured / paw / methodical / hazy / riddle / no sooner.. than
rivet / measured / paw / methodical / hazy / riddle / no sooner.. than
2022.10.04rivet : (흥미, 관심을)고정시키다(사로잡다)ex. His eyes are riveted to the bungalow up the path.그의 눈은 앞 길의 방갈로에 고정되어 있다.I was absolutely riveted by my father's story.난 아빠의 이야기에 완전히 빠져 있었다. three-piece suit : 세 부분으로 되어 있는 양복(격식을 다 갖춘 비싼 양복)ex. Andy Dufresne, mid-20's, three-piece suit, is sitting in the car.20대 중반으로 보이는 앤디 듀프레인이 비싼 양복을 입고 차 안에 앉아 있다. revolver : 회전식 연발 권총, 리볼버ex. He opens the glove compartment, ..
[ 비즈니스 영어 ] on board / gel / shelve / in / out of the loop
[ 비즈니스 영어 ] on board / gel / shelve / in / out of the loop
2022.10.02[ 비즈니스 영어 01. ] - Oxford online english [ Being part of a team ] ▸ form a team 팀을 구성하다▸ create a team 팀을 조직하다▸ build a team 팀을 형성하다▸ lead a team 팀을 리드하다▸ run the team 팀을 운영하다▸ head the team 팀을 이끌다 on board : (팀에) 합류한in the teamex. It's great to have you on board for this project.이 프로젝트에 당신이 함께 하게 되어 무척 좋습니다.How many people have you got on board already?얼마나 많은 사람들을 영입했죠?join forces : 힘을 합치다, 협력하..
play around / along / up / down / at / on / around with
play around / along / up / down / at / on / around with
2022.09.30play around : (-을)가지고 놀다 / (애인이 아닌 사람과)놀아나다(바람을 피우다)to behave in a playful wayto be sexually unfaithfulex. Why do you want to play around?넌 왜 장난이 치고 싶어?My ex is always playing around.내 전애인은 늘 바람을 피워.You are playing around with me, aren't you?너 나 가지고 노는 거지? play around with : (결정하기 전에) 여러가지 방법 및 생각들을 고려하다to consider different ideas about something before making a decisionex. I'm playing around wi..
drop-dead gorgeous / beauty is in the eye of the beholder / get one's beauty sleep / dressed to kill / be decked out
drop-dead gorgeous / beauty is in the eye of the beholder / get one's beauty sleep / dressed to kill / be decked out
2022.09.28drop-dead gorgeous : 매우 매력적인describes a person who is very attractiveex. She was drop-dead gorgeous when I sparred with her.스파링을 했을 때 그녀는 매우 매력적이었어.I had a crush on him at first. He was drop-dead gorgeous.난 첫눈에 반했어. 그는 넋을 쏙 빼놓을 정도로 아름다웠거든.She has married a drop dead gorgeous woman.그녀는 아주 매력적인 여자와 결혼했다. beauty is in the eye of the beholder : 아름다움은 보는 사람의 눈(생각)에 달려 있다beauty is defined differently ..
Diary : in the offing / just around the corner / before you know it / on the horizon / (sth) is brewing
Diary : in the offing / just around the corner / before you know it / on the horizon / (sth) is brewing
2022.09.271. Diary[ Today's list ]- English- Workout- Walk-in-clinic (plz...)- Journey map design- Vancouver Art Gallery- Sketchnoting after VAG- Report SubmissionUnexpected things kept happening, but they will be over before you know it..(:Keep your chin up even at desperate moments.Things will get better, for sure.그러니까 미친듯이 힘내자아ㅏ난 할수있다아!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!❤︎❤︎❤︎❤︎❤︎❤︎꺄인머라ㅣ어날멎라ㅣ저나어파ㅣㅏㅊㅌ/ㅣ 2. Englishon the..
Diary : all over the map / keep in the loop / speak of the devil / wrap head around it / ruffle feathers
Diary : all over the map / keep in the loop / speak of the devil / wrap head around it / ruffle feathers
2022.09.261. DiarySince my early 20swhen I felt the taste of the colorful world,a phenomenon that has grown stronger is curiosity.다채로운 세상의 맛을 느껴봤던 20대 초반 이후.강해졌던 현상 한가지가 호기심이다.the curiosity even while you arein a relationship with someoneis quite strong but, much bigger especially when looking back on 'me'.어떤 사람과의 관계를 맺을 때도들게되는 호기심이 유독.'나'를 돌아보는 시간에밀려오는 세기가 꽤 거세다.While, in the past, I only saw dreams and ..
bury the hatchet / pan out / out of the picture / slack off / slacker
bury the hatchet / pan out / out of the picture / slack off / slacker
2022.09.25bury the hatchet : 무기를 거두다(화해하다)to end a conflict or argument and become friendly againto make peaceex. Couldn't we bury the hatchet?우리 화해할 수 없을까?I want them to bury the hatchet.난 그들이 화해하길 바래.I know you've been carrying a lot of emotional baggage but, I really wanna bury the hatch with you.마음속에 쌓인 감정의 응어리가 많은 거 알지만, 난 정말로 너와 화해하고 싶어.pan out : (특정 방식으로)전개되다(진행되다)to turn out well; to happento be s..
I've never been so sure of anything in my life. / 운명 영어 명언
I've never been so sure of anything in my life. / 운명 영어 명언
2022.09.25사소한 것 하나에도 쉽게감동을 받는 사람들이 있다.There are people who are impressedeasily by the tiny tiny things.그리고 심장 쿵하는 박동에 맞춰주파수가 믿음으로 환원되는 사람이 있다.And there are those whose frequenciesare turned into beliefto the beat of heart.그게 바로 나다.That is me.믿음은 고귀하고 어여쁜 단어인데나에게 믿음은 너무 가깝고내 영혼과도 직결되는 매개체다.Faith is a noble and pretty wordbut, it is too close to me,and it is also a medium directlyconnected to my soul.믿음 덕에 ..
그냥 닥치고 싶지만, bitchin' / bitch / bitchy / son of a bitch / bitch out
그냥 닥치고 싶지만, bitchin' / bitch / bitchy / son of a bitch / bitch out
2022.09.231. Diary[ Fri, 23rd Sep 2022 ]처음으로 에밀리카 스튜디오에서 늦게까지 과제를 했다.컴디 2학년 이선이라는 캐네디언 친구와오로지 나 둘 뿐이었다.그나마 다행이었다는 생각이 들었다.혼자였으면 수도꼭지가 고장났을텐데눈시울은 붉어져갔지만,그럼에도 괜찮아질걸 알았다.나름의 이유가 있었다.이제 막 들어간 우퍼블리케이션.이번학기 출간 주제가 하필nostalgia다.안그래도 선명한 옛 기억들인데 노스탤지어와 관련된 작업을 진행하고,또 다음주에 있을 회의를 준비해야 했다.달리 생각할 수도 있을텐데 찌릿찌릿 통증이 느껴지기 시작했고망망대해에 떠다니는 기분이 들었다.그냥 입닥치고. 눈꼭감고.모든 세포들의 생각또한차단하고 싶었지만.이것마저 멜로디의 일부니까마음껏 사랑해줘야지.유난히 팅팅 부은 눈마저예뻐..
pay one's dues / cut corners / add insult to injury / out of hand
pay one's dues / cut corners / add insult to injury / out of hand
2022.09.23pay one's dues : (근면, 희생, 경험 따위에 의해)존경받다, 권리(지위)를 차지하다/ (과오, 부주의 따위의) 대가를 치르다, 형기를 마치다to earn something (such as respect, a position, or a right) through hard work or experienceto fulfill one's responsibilitiesex. I think she deserves a promotion cuz she's paid her dues over the years.그녀는 수년간 열심히 일해왔으니까 승진해야 마땅하다고 생각해.He may be a famous actor now, but he paid his dues with years of taking smalle..
on the piss / piss away / piss off / take the piss out of / piss and moan / piss poor
on the piss / piss away / piss off / take the piss out of / piss and moan / piss poor
2022.09.22on the piss : 술에 취해서, 술에 젖어서to drink a lot of alcoholex. She sang and danced on the piss.그녀는 술에 취해 노래를 부르고 춤을 췄어.He confessed to me last night on the piss, out of the blue.그는 어젯밤 갑자기 술에 취해 내게 고백했어.My friends and I were majorly on the piss last Friday.내 친구와 난 지난 금요일날 몹시 취했다. pissed : 화난; 술에 취한to be angry; to be drunkex. My supervisor didn't say a word, but she looked kinda pissed.상사가 아무 말도 안 했지만,..