전체 글
knock back / out / over / off / knock it off / up
knock back / out / over / off / knock it off / up
2023.02.03knock back : (특히 술을)급히 마시다to drink something quickly, usually alcoholex. I'm going to knock back this wine.난 이 와인을 원샷 할 거야.You wanna bet? How about knocking this beer back?내기할래요? 이 술을 빨리 마시는 건 어때요?I knocked back a couple of shots with him last night.어젯밤 그와 샷을 몇잔 들이켰습니다. knock out : -을 곯아떨어지게 하다(의식을 잃게 하다)to make someone unconscious or asleepto damage or destroyex. The boxer can knock out his opp..
spearhead / I'm so over (that) / make waves / spread like wildfire
spearhead / I'm so over (that) / make waves / spread like wildfire
2023.02.02spearhead : 선봉에 서다, 진두지휘하다If someone spearheads a campaign or an attack, they lead it.ex. Who is going to spearhead this project?누가 이 프로젝트를 지휘할까?We need somone to spearhead this campaign with courage, strength, and integrity.우리는 용기와 강함, 그리고 정직함을 갖추고 이 캠페인을 지휘할 누군가가 필요합니다.It would need a leader who spearheads management with real charisma to revivify the company.그 회사를 부활시키려면 진정한 카리스마를 지닌채 경영을 이끌 ..
a race against time / at the crack of dawn / eons ago / the moment of truth
a race against time / at the crack of dawn / eons ago / the moment of truth
2023.02.01a race against time(the clock): 시간과의 싸움a situation in which something must be done hurriedly, before a deadlinerace against time : 서두르다do it as fast you can cuz you do not have much timeex. It's a race against time, and every second counts.그건 시간을 다투는 일이며, 매시 매초가 중요합니다.In variety ways, I may be in a personal race against time.다방면으로 전 개인적으로 시간과의 싸움을 하고 있을 것입니다.In a race against the clock, I took h..
at the eleventh hour / in the nick of time / it's high time / in good time
at the eleventh hour / in the nick of time / it's high time / in good time
2023.01.31at the eleventh hour : 마지막 기회에(막판에)the moment when it is almost, but not quite, too late to do sth, avoid sth, etcex. I caught the train at the eleventh hour.아슬아슬하게 기차를 탔습니다.The clock is ticking and we are at the eleventh hour.시간이 흘러서 저희는 막바지에 이르렀습니다.Fortunately, he got a ticket at the eleventh hour.다행히도, 그는 막판에 티켓을 구했죠.By a strange quirk of fate, I ran into her at the eleventh hour before I lea..
sweltering / boiling hot / frigid / freezing / deafening / apprehensive / uneasy
sweltering / boiling hot / frigid / freezing / deafening / apprehensive / uneasy
2023.01.30sweltering : 무더운, 더위에 지친boilling hot : 몹시 더운, 푹푹 찌는very hotex. This boiling hot weather is killing us.이런 찌는 날씨는 견디기 힘들죠.This boiling-hot weather is relentless.가마솥 더위가 기승을 부립니다.Now the sweltering heat will take over.이제 본격적인 무더위가 시작될 겁니다.The sweltering heat has left more than ten people dead nationwide.폭염으로인해 전국적으로 10명 이상이 사망했습니다.Now that monsoon front has retreated, sweltering heat will set in.장마..
grueling / overjoy /overjoyed / drained / drain / parched / horrendous
grueling / overjoy /overjoyed / drained / drain / parched / horrendous
2023.01.29grueling(gruelling_ : 대단히 힘든, 녹초로 만드는, 엄한extremely difficult and tiring to dopuninshing, torturous, demandingex. I am ready for the grueling schedule I have before me.제 앞에 놓여있는 엄청난 스케줄을 소화할 준비가 되어있습니다.The disease went into remission after years of grueling teatment.수년간의 고된 치료 후에 그 병은 차도(병이 조금씩 나아지는 정도)를 보이기 시작했습니다.I did a grueling workout outside under the scorching sun.저는 태양이 뇌리째는 날 밖에서 힘든 운동을 ..
props / kudos / epic / epic fail
props / kudos / epic / epic fail
2023.01.27props : 존경, 인정proper respectwhen we want to say that we respect someone or we want to highlight something amazing that they've doneex. I've got to give you props for how you pulled off the deal.그 거래를 성사시킨 당신을 대단히 존경합니다.Politicians hardly gain props in this country.이 나라에서 정치인들은 대개 존경을 못 받습니다.She got major props for drawing these characters.그녀는 이 캐릭터들을 그린 것에 대해 대단한 인정을 받았죠.kudos : (특정한 성취나 위치에 따르는..
tough cookie / a mover and a shaker / go-getter / party animal
tough cookie / a mover and a shaker / go-getter / party animal
2023.01.27tough cookie : 자신감이 있고 늠름한 사람a person who knows what they want and is not easily influenced by other people or situationdetermined and focusedex. She's a pretty tough cookie.그녀는 만만치 않은 사람입니다.I'm a tough cookie and I'll come through this mini-crisis.전 강인한 사람이며 이러한 작은 위기를 극복할 것입니다.When she pulls through, the doctor says she's a tough cookie.그녀가 병을 이겨나갈 때, 의사는 그녀가 강인하다고 말합니다.a mover and a shaker : ..
a lone wolf / wallflower / a social butterfly / smart cookie
a lone wolf / wallflower / a social butterfly / smart cookie
2023.01.25a lone wolf : 혼자있기를 좋아하는 사람a person who prefers to be alonesomeone who doesn't enjoy other peopleI'm kind of a lone wolf.저는 혼자 있기를 좋아하는 사람입니다.She is a true lone wolf. Her only friends were her books and her pet dog.그녀는 정말로 고독을 즐기는 사람이죠. 그녀의 유일한 친구는 책과 반려견이거든요.My " lone wolf " attitude has been gradually chaning ever since I met her.저의 "혼자있길 좋아하는" 태도는 그녀를 만난 이후로 서서히 변해왔습니다. wallflower : (파티에서 파트너..
마케팅 영어 명언 10
마케팅 영어 명언 10
2023.01.24[ *직접 번역 - 오역이 있을 수 있습니다. ] You cannot buy engagement.You have to build engagement.관계를 살 순 없습니다관계는 쌓아가는 것입니다- Tara-Nicholle Nelson마케팅 영어 명언 10What really decides consumersto buy or not to buy is the contentof your advertising, not its form.소비자들의 구매를 결정짓는 건광고의 형태가 아니라 콘텐츠죠- David OgilvyDon't build links.Build relationships.단순히 링크가 아닌,관계를 구축하세요.- Rand Fishkin Thnk like a wise manbut above all,comm..
gain ground / work your way up / kick into high gear
gain ground / work your way up / kick into high gear
2023.01.23gain ground : -에 따라붙다, 가까워지다 / 더 강력해지다(성공하다)move forward in a battlego forward or to make a progressbecome more popular or successfulHe will never gain ground in the polls again.그는 투표에서 다시는 인기를 끌지 못할 거야.But gold, as well as copper, prices fell on this week after the dollar began to gain ground against the euro.그러나 유로화 대비 달러가 강세를 보이기 시작한 후 구리 뿐만 아니라 금 가격이 이번주 하락했습니다.We thought we could gain groun..
get out of one's hair / a pain in the neck / let down your hair / have a chip on someone's shoulder
get out of one's hair / a pain in the neck / let down your hair / have a chip on someone's shoulder
2023.01.23get out of one's hair : -에게서 사라지다to no longer be pestering or annoying onenot burden any longer[ pester : (특히 자꾸 부탁을 해서)성가시게 하다(괴롭히다), 조르다 ]ex. Please stop getting in the way of me doing my job. I just wish you just get out of my hair.제 할일을 하는 데 제발 그만좀 방해해주세요. 그냥 당신이 사라졌으면 좋겠어요.We'll get out of your hair.우린 널 방해하지 않을 거야.Let me get that out of your hair.제가 당신이 그 문제로 신경쓰지 않게 하겠어요.a pain in the nec..