Diary : in the offing / just around the corner / before you know it / on the horizon / (sth) is brewing
1. Diary
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- English
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- Vancouver Art Gallery
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- Report Submission
Unexpected things kept happening, but
they will be over before you know it..(:
Keep your chin up even at desperate moments.
Things will get better, for sure.
그러니까 미친듯이 힘내자아ㅏ
난 할수있다아!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!❤︎❤︎❤︎❤︎❤︎❤︎
2. English
on the horizon : 곧 일어날 듯한
projected to occur
ex. There's issue looming on the horizon.
곧 문제가 발생할 것 같아.
A chapter of accidents were clouds on the horizon.
일련의 불행한 사건들이 불행의 징조였다.
The Second World War was on the horizon.
2차 세계 대전이 임박해 있었다.
(almost) upon you : (거의)목전에 닥친
sth in the future is almost upon you
ex. The departure date is almost upon me.
출국 날짜가 거의 목전에 다가와 있다.
My parents' wedding anniversary is almost upon us.
부모님의 결혼기념일이 다가오고 있어.
The official release date is upon you.
공식 출간일이 다가와 있어.
in the offing : 머지않아
likely to happen
ex. There will be personnel changes in the offing.
조만간 인사이동이 있을 거예요.
I have talked time and again about this problem, even before the war began, when the thing was already in the offing.
전 몇번이고 말했었어요, 이미 머지않아 있었던 전쟁이 시작되기도 전에 말이죠.
[ time and again : 몇번이고, 되풀이해서
ex. Housing benefit has been mentioned time and again.
주택 수당은 몇 번이고 언급되어 왔다.]
Major changes in tax and spending policies are in the offing for the first time in 10 years.
머지 않아 10년 만에 처음으로 조세 및 지출 정책에 대한 중대한 변화가 일어날 것이다.
just / right around the corner : 임박하여
very near, soon to happen
ex. His birthday is just around the corner.
곧 그의 생일이야.
My interview is just around the corner.
인터뷰가 곧 코 앞이야.
Chuseok is just around the corner.
추석이 이제 얼마 안 남았다.
The date for the meeting is right around the corner.
모임 날짜가 코 앞에 왔다.
(fast) approaching : (빠르게) 다가오는
getting closer
ex. The close was fast approaching, and he had not yet finished even half of what he needed to.
마감일은 코 앞에 닥쳐 오는데 그는 일을 반도 끝내지 못한 상태였다.
I'm very busy bee because the due date is fast approaching.
마감이 얼마 남지 않아서 아주 바빠.
The deadline was fast approaching, and there was still much work left to be done.
마감일은 성큼 다가오고 있는데, 해야 할 일은 여전히 잔뜩 쌓여 있었다.
near at hand : 가까이에, 머지않아
near in distance or time
ex. There is a hospital near at hand.
바로 근처에 병원이 있다.
The closure of the enrollment list is near at hand.
등록마감일 날이 얼마 남지 않았다.
The examination is near at hand.
시험이 코 앞에 닥쳤다.
before you know it : 순식간에
will happen soon or almost immediately
ex. It will be over before you know it.
금새 지나갈 거예요.
Christmas will be over before you know it.
크리스마스는 금방 끝날 거야.
You'll be back in recovery before you know it.
당신은 금방 회복될 거예요.
I'll be there before you know it.
금방 거기로 갈 거예요.
(something) is brewing : (불쾌한 일이 일어날 움직임이)태동하는
a difficult situation is starting to develop
ex. Trouble is brewing.
소동이 일어날 것 같다.
Something very ugly is brewing there.
뭔가 매우 추악한 일이 거기서 일어나고 있다.
All we can do is look out for signs where trouble is brewing.
우리가 할 수 있는 일은 어디에서 문제가 발생하고 있는지 조짐을 찾아내는 일 뿐이다.
It looks like a huge storm is brewing.
큰 폭풍이 몰려올 것 같다.
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