전체 글
색깔 영어 명언 Best 7
색깔 영어 명언 Best 7
2022.12.20[ 색깔 영어 명언 Best 7 ]Without black,no color has any depth.But if you mix black with everything,suddenly there's shadow- no, not just shadow, but fullness.You've got to be willing to mix blackinto your pallete if you want tocreate something that's real.검정이 없이는 어떠한 색도 깊이가 없다하지만, 모든것을 검정으로 섞는다면갑자기 그림자가 생긴다아니, 단지 그림자뿐만이 아닌풍부함이 채워진다생동감있는 무언가를 창조하고 싶다면,당신의 팔레트에 검정을 섞을용기가 있어야 한다- Amy Giant Color is a pow..
브랜딩 영어 명언 Best 10
브랜딩 영어 명언 Best 10
2022.12.20[ 브랜딩 영어 명언 Best 10 ] We are all storytellers.We all live in a network of stories.There isn't a stronger connectionbetween people than storytelling.우리는 모두 스토리텔러입니다이야기라는 네트워크 속에 모두 살고 있죠스토리텔링보다 사람들 사이에더 강력한 연결은 없습니다- Jimmy Neil Smith If no one hates it,no one really loves it.누군가 그것을 싫어하지 않는다면,아무도 그것을 진정으로 사랑하진 않을거야- Jessica WalshIf people like youthey will listen to you,but if they trust you,they..
비즈니스 영어 발표 : 이정표 & 추임새 & 실수 & 언급 & 연기 & 재질문
비즈니스 영어 발표 : 이정표 & 추임새 & 실수 & 언급 & 연기 & 재질문
2022.12.19비즈니스 영어 발표 : 이정표 & 추임새 & 실수 & 언급 & 연기 & 재질문 [ Using Signposting Language ] [ Signposting language ]Next, I'd like to talk about ...Let's move on and discuss ...At this point, I'd like to turn to ...Now that you've heard about ... , let's focus onLet me go into some more detail about ...Let's examine ... in more depth.I'd like to elaborate on ...▸ Okay, that covers the new policies. Next, I'd lik..
3 ways to make a strong start when giving a presentation.
3 ways to make a strong start when giving a presentation.
2022.12.17발표 : 사람들의 관심 유도하기 *직접 번역 - 오역이 있을 수 있습니다.*3번 이상 말하기 연습 (꾸준히 ✔︎) [ How to Make a Strong Start ]비즈니스 영어 발표1. problem -> solution A) Establish a problem that many people in your audience have. B) Establish that you have a solution to their problemHave you ever felt ... ?We've been working to ....▸ Have you ever felt unfairly treated at work, or felt that the work you do isn't appreciated? We've be..
We'll put this in writing and send you a provisional agreement.
We'll put this in writing and send you a provisional agreement.
2022.12.17[ Intodcuting new ideas. ]I have a proposal which I hope can make this work for everyone.Here's my solution: ...I'll make another offer ...▸ Right, I've spoken to a few people and I have a proposal which I hope can make this work for everyone.좋아요, 몇몇 사람들과 이야기를 했는데 모두에게 괜찮을만한 제안을 가지고 왔어요.▸ The problem for us is that if you don't maintain a certain monthly volume, we might lose money at the lower ..
비즈니스 영어 협상 표현 : setting boundaries / 의견 & 조건
비즈니스 영어 협상 표현 : setting boundaries / 의견 & 조건
2022.12.16[ Establishing Your Position ] [ Making your position clear. ]-> You can state what you want directly. [ 표현 ]I suggest ...We're thinking of ...We'd prefer to ...[ 그 외 단어 ]SKU(Stock Keeping Unit) : 상품/재고 관리를 위한 최소 분류 단위warehousing : 창고 저장(관리), 창고업commit : (엄숙히)약속하다▸ I suggest starting small and scaling up later.작게 시작해서 나중에 키우는 것을 제안합니다.▸ I suggest a six-month contract to begin with.시작할 땐 6개월 계약을 ..
영문 CV 이력서 작성하기
영문 CV 이력서 작성하기
2022.12.13미국에선 resume라고 부르지만- 영국에선 CV 라고 불리우는 이력서(:[ CV(Curriculum Vitae) : 삶의 과정 ] [ How to Write a Personal Profile ] Personal Profile : short introduction of a persons's key skills and career goals-> Not all CVs include a personal profile, but many do.많은 이력서가 개인 프로필을 포함하고 있진 않지만, 대부분은 포함한다.(맨상단에)-> 웬만하면, 4-5문장으로 적자(: [ *Introductions ] ▸ In the first sentence, introduce yourself.첫문장에는 자기소개하기.-> 아래구문 ..
Tell me about yourself.
Tell me about yourself.
2022.12.12[ Tell me about yourself. ] 1. Job interview2. University interview3. English exam/general answer4. Introducing yourself to new colleagues [ *General tips. ] 1. Tell me about yourself doesn't mean-> tell me everything about yourself. In a job interview,▸ focus on your professional background. In English exam,▸ give a more general answer. 2. Keep your answer short and focused.3. Answer confident..
negligible / pronounced / collapse / level off / strong year
negligible / pronounced / collapse / level off / strong year
2022.12.12[ Describing Trends ] Sales _____ from 150 million to 200 million.= Sales _____ by 50 million.▸ rose▸ increased▸ grew▸ improved▸ climbed Sales _____ from 15,000 to 13,000.= Sales _____ by 2,000. ▸ decreased▸ declined▸ dropped▸ fell grow (vb.) -> growth (n.)improve (vb.) -> improvement (n.) negligible : (중요성, 규모가 작아)무시해도 될 정도의throughout the year : 한 해에 걸쳐for the full year : 1년 내내pronounced : 눈에 잘..
I'll cut to the chase / don't cut corners / watertight / keep up the good work
I'll cut to the chase / don't cut corners / watertight / keep up the good work
2022.12.11[ Giving Positive Feedback ]I really liked how you ~ : ~한 방법이 너무 맘에 들었어.admire the way ~ : ~한 방법이 감탄스럽다, ~한 방식을 존경한다keep up the good work : 앞으로도 계속 잘해주세요when you're pleased with someone's work, and you want to encourage them▸ I really liked how you explained everything so clearly.모든걸 명확하게 설명한 당신의 방식이 맘에 들었어요.▸ I really liked how you handled the meeting.그 회의를 진행한 당신의 방법이 너무 좋았어요.▸ I admire the wa..
claw back / competitive edge / emerging market / market forces / get established in a new market / strategic move / first mover / get out of the market
claw back / competitive edge / emerging market / market forces / get established in a new market / strategic move / first mover / get out of the market
2022.12.09bring new product lines to market : 시장에 새로운 상품을 도입하다claw back : 간신히 되찾다, 환수하다fight to get back something which you lostcompetitive edge : 경쟁 우위emerging market : 신흥시장▸ This could help us to claw back some of the market share.이것은 우리가 시장점유율의 일부를 되찾도록 도와줄 수 있을 것이다.▸ We'll be focusing more on emerging markets.우리는 신흥시장에 더 집중을 할 것이다. Q. Can you name three ways that a company can expand its customer ba..
분리 매각하다 영어로 : hive off / deal in / stock up / firm up / kit out / take on / head up / bring in
분리 매각하다 영어로 : hive off / deal in / stock up / firm up / kit out / take on / head up / bring in
2022.12.09hive off : -을 분리시키다, (사업체 일부인)-을 분리 매각하다when part of a larger company is spearated into a smaller, independent organisation.Hive off suggests that part of a larger company is made into a legally separate business.look after : -을 맡다, 보살피다, 감독하다responsible fortake care of▸ We've had a full restructue and the litigation department where I work has been hived off a new independent company, and I'm n..