[ 비즈니스 영어 02. ] - Oxford online english

quick on one's feet : 순발력이 좋은
If you're quick on your feet, you can adapt to new situations easily.

 We still need to be quick on our feet.

우린 여전히 발빠르게 대응할 필요가 있어요.


bite off more than one can chew : 무리하다, 분에 넘치는 일을 하려고 하다
try to do something which is too dificult for you

 Perhaps I have bitten off more than I can chew... I'm not so familiar with the technical side of things.

아마도 분에 넘치는 일을 했었으니까요. 전 기술적인 측면에 익숙하지 않거든요.

Do whatever you can, but don't bite off more than you can chew.

할 수 있는 모든 걸 해, 하지만 분에 넘치는 일은 하지 마.

USP : Unique Selling Proposition 고유의 강점
unique selling point.
about what makes your product or service different from competitors.

 Inexperienced salespeople don't have a deep understanding of our USP.

경험이 부족한 판매자들이 우리의 USP에 대한 이해가 깊지 않아요.


cold calling : sales technique. 판매 기술중 하나. (판촉전화)
calling someone you've never spoken to before and trying to convince them to buy whatever you're selling.

 One problem is that cold calling doesn't seem to be working.

한가지 문제는 판촉전화가 제대로 이루어지지 않고 있다는 겁니다.


turnover : 이직률 / (기업의)매출량(액)
how often staff arrive and leave.

 A case in point is our high staff turnover.

가장 적합한 예를 들자면 높은 이직률이죠.


Q1 : quarter one : January-March

B2B : Business to business
conference call : (여럿이) 전화로 하는 회의

 We're having a conference call instead.

대신 전화 회의를 할 예정이에요.


touch base : -와 대화(협의)하다
talk or have a discussion

 I'd like to touch base with you about some of the proposals.

제안서들 중 몇개에 관해 대화를 하고 싶어요.


out of the loop : (진행 상황을/에서)잘 모르는, 벗어난
you don't know what's going on

 Seems like I'm really out of the loop.

내가 아무것도 모르는 것 같네.


catch somebody up : -을 -에게 얘기하다
catch me up : 내게 얘기해주세요
there are some things which I don't know, and which you can tell me about.
It has the idea that I've missed something.

 You can catch me up so that I'm ready.

얘기해주시면 준비할게요.


one's input : -의 조언
I'd like your input : 당신의 의견이 필요해요
it means that they want your ideas and opinions

 I'd like your input on a few things.

몇가지 사항들에 당신의 조언을 구하고 싶어요.


pie in the sky : 그림의 떡
an impossible dream

How about you focus more on breaking even on a month-to-month basis, and spend less time on these pie-in-the-sky ideas?

월별 기본실적에 본전치기를 하는데 집중하는게 어때? 그리고, 현실성이 없는 그 생각엔 시간을 덜 소요하는거지.


overreach : 도를 넘다
go too far, try to do too much

Don't you think you're overreaching?

도를 넘는 것 같지 않니?


road map : (일, 계획 등에 일목요연하게 정리한)로드맵 ,지침서
a detailed plan, showing exactly how you will achieve something
often used for large, complex project and plans

We put together a road map.

우리는 로드맵을 준비했다.


beyond one's pay grade : -의 급여수준을 넘는
refers to something which is not your job

This is way beyond your pay grade.

너 급여수준으로는 어림도 없어.

(-> a way to say that they're trying to do something which isn't part of their job; it suggests that the person you're talking to should stick to their own job. )


on the right track : 잘 진행되는
going in the right direction

I'm not sure you're on the right track.

난 너가 잘 진행하고 있는지 모르겠어.


put/get one's house in order : (다른 이를 비판하기 전에) 자기 일을 먼저 잘하다
sort out one's own responsibilities
often used as a criticims

You need to get your house in order.

너 일을 우선 잘 할 필요가 있어.


put your money where you mouth is : 말만하지 말고 행동으로 직접 보여주다
show that you can do what you say you can

beat around the bush : 돌려서 말하다, 요점을 피하다
speak in an indirect and unclear way
often used in the negative

Don't beat around the bush. Get to the point and tell me what I need to know.

돌려서 말하지 말고, 핵심만 집어서 내가 알아야 할걸 말해줘.


go back to the drawing board : 처음부터 다시 시작하다
back to square one : 원점으로 되돌아가다
start something again from the very beginning

My hands are tied : 나 너무 바빠
I cannot do anything to help you

ex. I really wish I could hep but my hands are tied right now, I'm afraid.

정말로 도와주고 싶지만, 지금 너무 바빠서 어려울 거같아.

