행복수치가 한도치를 초과하셨습니다 : crazy-ass / ass-backwards / have one's head up one's ass /
English Diary ❤︎ + go about / at / along / against / after / around / back on / by
Diary + hooked / hate someone's guts / hard up for / hang it up / hit the hay / hit the spot / hit on
Diary + emphatic / glib / articulate / prophetic / hyperbolic / rhetorical / flippant / verbose / daft
너무 보고싶을 때 쓰는 영어 표현 10가지
모르거나 이해가 가지 않았을 때, 재미있는 영어 표현 7가지
영어 인터넷 슬랭 : IRL / IMHO / TLDR / ELI5 / G2G / FOMO / SMH / PAW
비즈니스 영어 표현 15 : wing it / go the extra mile / flat out / train of thought / bank on
a no-brainer / nail / nix /a no-no / narc on / nit-pick / naysayer / no sweat / a no show (feat. Diary)
a dime a dozen / ace / as if! / be all about / all out / around the clock / all ears / all nighter
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