내 몸을 사랑하니까 / 두서없는 일기 (+ 또다른 선물)
have bigger fish to fry / egg on / have a bun in the oven /walk on eggshells / cry over spilt milk
빙글빙글 : 퀸 엘리자베스 공원 Queen Elizabeth Park / Evening Date with S❤︎
toot one's own horn / face the music / it takes two to tango / strike a chord / music to my ears
밴쿠버 하이킹 : Stawamus Chief 스쿼미시 스타와무스 치프
off the cuff / keep your shirt on / fit like a glove / at the drop of a hat / fill one's shoes
밴쿠버 공부 및 작업하기 좋은 카페 모음 (feat. wifi / 노트북 )
blow up in one's face / get in my face / fall flat on one's face / a slap in the face / save face
시간 이디엄 : lose track of time / pressed for time / stand the test of time / for the time being
jump off the deep end / get feet wet / make a splash / test the waters / thrown in at the deep end
Two letters in Breka / Getting lost found myself ❤︎
Empty & Filled up : 밴쿠버 퀴어영화제 Vancouver Queer Film Festival / The Library Square Pub