claw back / competitive edge / emerging market / market forces / get established in a new market / strategic move / first mover / get out of the market
bring new product lines to market : 시장에 새로운 상품을 도입하다
claw back : 간신히 되찾다, 환수하다
fight to get back something which you lost
competitive edge : 경쟁 우위
emerging market : 신흥시장
▸ This could help us to claw back some of the market share.
이것은 우리가 시장점유율의 일부를 되찾도록 도와줄 수 있을 것이다.
▸ We'll be focusing more on emerging markets.
우리는 신흥시장에 더 집중을 할 것이다.
Q. Can you name three ways that a company can expand its customer base?
A comapny can expand its customer base by launching new products, entering new regional markets, or attracting new customers through advertising.
Q. How can one company have a competitive edge over another?
A company can gain a competitive edge by having a superior product, having lower prices, or by offering better customer service and support.
Q. Which companies have a dominant position in your local market?
In my country, there's a restaurant chain called Burgerking that has a dominant position in the fast food market. It's one of the few countries where MacDonald's haven't been able to gain much market share.
lose market share : 시장점유율을 잃다
has a smaller proportion of the available customers
expand market share : 시장점유율을 높이다
= gain market share
reach a higher proportion of potential customers
market forces : 시장원리, 시장의 힘, 시장력
= market pressures
describe the conditions in a market and how they affect company behaviour and strategy
▸ We've been losing market share to our rivals.
우리는 경쟁업체에 시장점유율을 잃어왔었다.
▸ A German start-up have expanded their market share.
독일 스타트업이 시장점유율을 높여왔다.
▸ It's clear that we need to respond to these market forces.
시장력에 대응할 필요가 있다는건 분명하다.
regulatory barriers : 규제 장벽
laws and rules which are difficult or expensive to follow
enter the ____ market : ___시장에 진입하다
get established in a new market : 새로운 시장에 자리를 잡다
reach a position where your business is comfortable, and you're not fighting for survival.
strong market position : 강력한 시장지위
strategic move : 전략적인 움직임
move -> decision or plan
if something is a good decision, you can describe it as a 'good move' or a 'smart move'
fierce competition : 치열한 경쟁
intense competition
▸ First of all, the regulatory barriers to entry are high.
우선, 진입 규제 장벽이 높습니다.
▸ We should try to enter the Chinese market.
중국 시장 진입을 시도해야합니다.
▸ The cost of getting established in a new market is high.
새로운 시장에 자리를 잡는 비용이 높습니다.
▸ We're already in a strong market position.
우리는 이미 강력한 시장지위를 가지고 있습니다.
▸ I don't think this is a good strategic move for us right now.
현재 이것이 우리에게 좋은 전략적 방법인지는 모르겠어요.
▸ There's already fierce competition.
이미 경쟁이 치열합니다.
tip* Longman or Lexico.
find three more 형용사 (collocations) 를 찾아보자
ex. cut-throat competition : 아주 치열한 경쟁
get out of the market : 시장에서 나오다
changing market conditions : 변화하는 시장 조건(상황)
new market entrant : 새로운 시장 진입자
consolidate : 굳히다, 통합하다
make it stronger and more stable
first mover : 선도자
the benefits you get from being first to enter a new market or launch a new product
move in : 진입하다
enter a new market
try to take market share and customers
▸ They're planning to get out of the market.
그들은 시장에서 나올 계획을 하고 있습니다.
▸ We should be looking at long term trends that reflect the changing market conditions across the continent.
전 대륙에서 변화하는 시장조건을 반영하는 장기적인 동향을 봐야할 필요가 있습니다.
▸ We need to make it difficult for any new market entrants.
새로운 시장 진입자들이 들어오기 어렵게 할 필요가 있습니다.
▸ That should allow us to consolidate our position further.
그건 우리의 지위를 더 굳건하게 해줄 겁니다.
▸ We have a first mover advantage in most of Latin America.
우리는 대부분의 라틴 아메리카에서 선점우위를 가지고 있습니다.
▸ Other companies will notice our success and try to move in.
다른 기업들도 우리의 성공을 알아채고 진입하려고 할 것입니다.
'English' 카테고리의 다른 글
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