hive off : -을 분리시키다, (사업체 일부인)-을 분리 매각하다
when part of a larger company is spearated into a smaller, independent organisation.
Hive off suggests that part of a larger company is made into a legally separate business.
look after : -을 맡다, 보살피다, 감독하다
responsible for
take care of

 We've had a full restructue and the litigation department where I work has been hived off a new independent company, and I'm now looking after some of our biggest clients.

우리는 전면구조 조정이 있었고 제가 일하는 소송 부서가 새로운 독립체로 분리되었죠. 그리고  현재 제일  고객들을 맡고 있고요.

 My boss is away this week so I'm looking after her top client.

대표가 이번주에 없어서 내가 최고 고객들을 맡을 예정이야.


set up : -으로 (사업/창업을) 시작하다
start/create something

I heard that you're setting up your own business.

너가 새로운 사업을 시작할거라고 들었어.

take over : -을 인수하다
gain control of something

I'm taking over the antique shop on the high street.

하이스트리트에 있는 골동품 가게를 인수할 예정이거든.

Have you heard that a new supermarket is taking over the old cinema?

슈퍼마켓이 오래된 영화관을 인수할 거라는 소식 들어봤어?


deal in : -을 매매하다
buy and sell something

I didn't know you dealt in antiques.

너가 골동품을 매매할 줄을 몰랐지.


stock up : -을 많이 사다
buy a large amount of something

 I've already stocked up on bathroom items.

이미 화장실 용품을 많이 사놨어.

분리 매각하다 영어로

sell up : -을 팔다 / 매각하다
move on : (새로운 일/주제로) 넘어가다/옮기다
turn A into B : -에서 -이 되다

 The owners wanted to sell up as they're moving on, so I'm going to turn it into zero waste shop.

주인은 새로운 사업을 하려고 매각하길 원했어. 그것을 제로웨이스트 샵으로 변경하려고.

zero waste : 제로 웨이스트(재활용 가능한 재료로 쓰레기 줄이려는 세계적 움직임)


cut down on : -을 줄이다
use less of something

 You must cut down on unnecessary expenses.

불필요한 지출은 절감해야 .


firm up : -을 확정하다 / 더 단단하게 하다
make more definite
▸ firm up an agreement
협약을 확정하다
▸ firm up a plan
계획을 확고히 하다

 Bod said that he's finalising a settlemet in his business dispute. He's hoping to firm up the deal tomorrow.

밥이 말하길 사업분쟁에서 합의를 마무리지을거라고 했어. 내일 거래를 확정하길 바라고 있더라고.

kit out : -에게 (특정 활동을 위한)장비/복장을 갖춰주다
provide necessary equipment
commonly used with things like cars, vehicles, buildings or rooms.
can be used with an object or not.

We spent $50,000 kitting out the new office.

우리는 사무실을 마련하는데 50,000$ 썼지 뭐야.

We spent $50,000 kitting out the new office with desks, computer equipment and other furniture.

책상, 컴퓨터 장비, 그리고 가구로 사무실을 갖추는데 50,000 달러를 썼어.



[ Managing a Department ]


take on : -을 고용하다
hire a new employee

What about taking on new staff?

직원을 채용하는 어때요?


head up : (부서 등을)이끌다(책임지다)
be in charge of something
* has a slightly more specific meaning than 'be in charge of' or 'be responsible for'.
cuz if you head something up, then you're the leader.

I've heard that you are heading up the marketing department from this month.

이번 달부터 너가 마케팅 무서를 이끈다고 들었어.

I'm so psyched up! I'm going to be heading up our international office in Paris!

파리에 있는 국제부를 맡게되어서 너무 신나!


bring in : (프로젝트에) -를 참여하게 하다, 들이다
involve new people in a project

We brought in a consultancy agency.

우리는 자문회사를 들여왔다.

We need to bring in a new designer.

우리는 새로운 디자이너를 들여올 필요가 있어.

분리 매각하다 영어로

draw up : 만들다, 작성하다
prepare an official document

 draw up a contract

계약을 작성하다

 draw up a proposal

제안서를 작성하다

분리 매각하다 영어로

sort out : -을 해결하다
find a solution to something.

That is a crucial issue to sort out.

그것은 해결해야 중요한 사안이에요.

분리 매각하다 영어로

move in/move out : (이사를)들다 / (이사를)나가다
change physical location

moved in a place near my office this week.

이번 주에 사무실 근처로 이사를 왔어.

I need to move out to an area close to my job.

직장과 가까운 지역으로 이사를 필요가 있어.


settle in : (새 집/직장 등에 자리잡고)적응하다
get used to a new environment

I moved to London last year. It took me a while to settle in but now I really enjoy living here.

작년에 런던으로 이사했어. 적응하는데 시간이 걸렸지만 지금은 여기서 즐겁게 살고 있지.

