[ Tell me about yourself. ]


1. Job interview

2. University interview

3. English exam/general answer

4. Introducing yourself to new colleagues



[ *General tips. ]


1. Tell me about yourself doesn't mean

-> tell me everything about yourself.


In a job interview,

 focus on your professional background.


In English exam,

 give a more general answer.


2. Keep your answer short and focused.

3. Answer confidently and coherently.


4. make one or two sentences about your past,

one or two sentences about your current situation,

and one or two sentences about the future.


[ *Job Interview ]

1. I'm currently...
2. My backgroud is in...
3. I've been working in... for...
4. I'm looking for a new position in...

 I'm currently working in HR for Dell, but actually as you've probably seen from my CV, my background is in graphic design.

I've been wanting to get back to graphic design work for some time, and that's why I appied for this position.

저는 현재 Dell 인사부에서 일하고 있습니다, 하지만 이력서에서 보셨다시피,  전공은 그래픽 디자인입니다. 디자인 업무를 다시 하고싶어했기에,  회사에 지원했습니다.

 I've been working in biomedical research for about five years. I completed my PhD four years ago, and I worked for a small pharmaceutical company here, until, unfortunately, they went out of business recently. So, I'm currently looking for a new position in biotech, pharma, or anything related to my training and experience.

저는 5년동안 생물학을 공부해왔고 4 전에 박사학위를 수료했습니다. 그리고, 작은 제약회사에서 일해왔지만, 안타깝게도 최근에 회사가 문을 닫았습니다. 그래서 현재 생명공학과 제약, 혹은  학업과 경험에 관련된  직장을 찾고 있는 중입니다.

[ PhD(Doctor of Philosophy) : 박사학위 ]

 I've been working in the education sector for seven years.

저는 7년동안 교육계에 종사해왔습니다.

 I've been working at Google for a year and a half.

저는 1 반가량 구글에서 일하고 있습니다.


[ *University Interviews ]

1. I've always loved...
2. My best subjects throught school were...
3. I'm doing ... next month
4. I'm hoping...

 I've always loved drama, watching plays, and everything else connected with the theatre. I've been involved in our school drama society for several years, both in terms of acting in productions and also working behind the scenes, with set design, lighting, and thing like that. I've know for a long time that I want to be an actor, and studying drama here would be a logical next step towards that goal, I think.

 드라마를 비롯해서, 연극 혹은 극장과 관련된 어떤것이든 감상하는   좋아해왔습니다. 몇년동안 연극학교에 있어왔으며, 제작과 더불어 무대 뒤의 세팅, 조명 등과 같은 일에도 참여를 해왔습니다. 오랫동안 배우가 되고싶어했으며, 여기서 드라마를 공부하는 것이  목표로 향할 다음 단계라고 생각합니다.

 I always knew I wanted to be a scientist, even when I was little. My best subjects throughout school have been maths and science, but at this point I'd like to specialise more, which is why I'm applying to sutdy astrophysics. I'm doing my IB next month, and my predicted grade is 40 or higher. I'm hoping you'll offer me a place to study here, and I'm excited to start my studies in September.

저는 어렸을  조차 과학자가 되고 싶어한다는   알았습니다. 학교를 다니면서 제가 가장 좋아하는 과목은 수학과 과학이었지만, 이제는 전공을 하고 싶어서 천체물리학에 지원하게 되었습니다. 다음달에 국제학력평가시험을 치를예정이고 제가 예상하는 성적은 40 혹은  이상입니다. 여기서 공부할  있도록 기회를 주셨으면 합니다. 저는 9월에 학업을 시작할 것을 기대하고 있습니다.

[ IB (International Baccalaureat) : 국제학력평가시험

baccalaureat (프랑스  일부 국가의)대학입학 자격시험 ]


[ *English Exams like IELTS ]

1. I'm originally from...
2. I work for... as...
3. I'm interested in...
4. I'm thinking about...

 Well, I was born in Vladivostok, but my dad moved around a lot for his work, so I grew up in different places: Japan, The Philippines and Malaysia. Currently I'm working part-time and sutdying for a Master's in film production. I'm pretty interested in film, video production and thing like that, so I'm hoping to work in that sector once I finish my studies.

, 저는 블라디보스톡에서 태어났으며, 저희 아버지의 업무로 인해 일본, 필리핀, 그리고 말레이시아  다양한 나라에서 성장했습니다. 현재는 파트타임으로 일하면서 영화제작 석사를 공부하고 있습니다. 영화와 영상제작 같은 분야게  관심이 있기때문에, 공부를 마치자마자  분야에서 일하기를 희망합니다.

->more general and personal, rather than focusing on work or studies.


 I'm originally from Buenos Aires, but I've been living here in Dublin for several years now. I work for an ad agency, as a copywriter, which is something I never imagined I would do, but I really like it. I was never good at English when I was younger, so it's weird that I ended up working in a job which requires very high-level language skills. I like living here, but I feel like I'd also like to travel and experience living in other places, so I'm thinking about moving to Canada or the US in the next year or so.

 원래 부에노스아이레스 출신이지만, 현재는 몇년간 더블린에서 살고 있는 중입니다. 광고 에이전시에서 카피라이터로 일하고 있으며, 제가 한번도 상상하지 못했던 직업이지만  일을 무척이나 좋아합니다. 어렸을  영어를 전혀 잘하지 못했는데, 높은 언어실력을 요구하는 직업을 갖게 되어서 이상하긴 합니다. 여기서 사는  좋지만, 다른 곳에서 여행하며 살아보고 싶은 마음도 있어서- 내년이나 후년쯤 캐나다나 미국으로 건너갈 생각을 하고 있습니다.

[ *Introducing Yourself to New Colleagues ]

 My name's Melody, and as you maybe know I just started here; this is my first week, in fact. I'm working in the design department as a branding designer. My background is a mix of communication design and web development - I started my career as a graphic designer. I'm still finding my feet and I haven't met all of you yet, but I'm looking forward to working with you all. If you're walking past my office, come by and say 'hi'!.

 이름은 멜로디이고, 아시다시피  주이며, 이제  여기서 일을 시작했습니다. 마케팅 부서에서 브랜딩 디자이너로 일하고 있으며  전공은 커뮤니케이션 디자인과 웹개발입니다. 그래픽 디자이너로 커리어를 시작했으며, 여전히  자리를 찾고 있는 중입니다. 아직 모든 분들을 만나진 못했지만, 앞으로 여러분과 함께 일할 것을 기대하고 있습니다. 혹시라도  사무실을 지나간다면, 잠깐 들리셔서 인사해주세요(:

 Hi, I'm Elias. I'm the CISO, so I'm responsible for online security, and keeping our computers and networks safe. You've probably seen me around, because I've been working here for a while - almost ten years now! As you just heard, all staff need to take our cybersecurity training class, so you'll be learning about how to stay safe online with me or one of my colleagues in the next month or two.

안녕하세요, 저는 엘리어스입니다. 최고정보 보호책임자이며 컴퓨터와 네트워크 안전을 지키는 온라인 보안을 맡고 있습니다. 여기서 일하진 거의 10년이 되어가기에 아마도 주변에서  보셨을 텐데요. 들으셨다시피, 모든 직원분들이 저희 사이버보안 훈련 수업을 받아야  필요가 있습니다. 그래서, 저와  동료와 함께 다음달이나    , 온라인 보안 유지에 대해 배우시게 될겁니다.

[ CISO : 최고 정보 보호 책임자 ]

