I'll cut to the chase / don't cut corners / watertight / keep up the good work
[ Giving Positive Feedback ]
I really liked how you ~ : ~한 방법이 너무 맘에 들었어.
admire the way ~ : ~한 방법이 감탄스럽다, ~한 방식을 존경한다
keep up the good work : 앞으로도 계속 잘해주세요
when you're pleased with someone's work, and you want to encourage them
▸ I really liked how you explained everything so clearly.
모든걸 명확하게 설명한 당신의 방식이 맘에 들었어요.
▸ I really liked how you handled the meeting.
그 회의를 진행한 당신의 방법이 너무 좋았어요.
▸ I admire the way you never miss a deadline, even when we're under a lot of pressure.
압박이 심한 상황에서조차 마감기한을 절대 놓치지 않는 방식을 높이 평가합니다.
▸ I admire the way you were able to keep your cool and stick to the point.
침착성을 잃지 않고, 요점을 벗어나지 않는 당신의 방식을 존경합니다.
[ Giving Negative Feedback Directly ]
You need to ~ / should / can't
▸ You need to pay more attention to detail.
디테일에 더 집중할 필요가 있어요.
▸ You should double check your figures before you send it.
보내기 전에 수치들을 다시한번 확인하셔야 합니다.
▸ You can't go into a meeting like that unprepared.
그렇게 준비되지 않은 상태로 회의에 들어갈 수 없어요.
I'll cut to the chase : 바로 본론으로 들어갈게요
signals that you're about to say something negative in a direct way.
It's a way to introduce a criticism.
incoherent : 앞뒤가 안맞는, 비논리적인, 일관성이 없는
Don't cut corners : 절차를 무시하지 마세요
work carefully and pay attention to detail
watertight : 빈틈없는
▸ Well, I had a chance to look through your draft proposal. I'll cut to the chase. It needs a lot of work. This is a long, complex document. It needs to be well-organised, clearly laid-out, and make a good impression on whoever reads it.
당신의 초안을 훑어봤습니다. 바로 본론으로 들어갈게요. 작업이 많이 필요할 거예요. 지금 초안은 길고, 복잡한 문서에 불과해요. 잘 정리되어야하고, 명확하게 구분되어야하며 누가 읽든간에 좋은 인상을 줄 필요가 있습니다.
▸ Currently, it's hard to follow because it's incoherent. You jump from one topic to another, which makes it difficult to focus on your main idea.
현재로선, 일관성이 없어서 따라가기가 힘듦니다. 하나의 주제에서 갑자기 다른 주제로 바뀌니까 핵심에 집중하기가 어렵습니다.
▸ Remember that their legal department will also be looking through this, so it needs to be watertight. Double check any figures or other data you're using and don't cut corners.
법무부에서도 이 문서를 살펴볼테니, 빈틈이 없어야 한다는 걸 명심하세요. 당신이 사용한 수치들과 자료들을 다시 한번 점검하고 절차를 무시하지 마세요.
[ Giving Negative Feedback Indirectly ]
If you want to be indirect, you'll generally avoid sentences with 'you'.
Instead, you'll use impersonal constructions, for example with 'there' or 'it'.
▸ There have been some complaints about the language and humour you use in meetings.
회의에서 당신이 사용한 언어와 유머에 관한 컴플레인이 몇가지 있었습니다.
▸ There are certain standards of conduct that we all have to adhere to.
우리가 지켜야 할 특정 행동에 대한 기준들이 있습니다.
▸ It's important to understand that not everyone will have the same perspective or sense of humour as you.
모두가 당신처럼 같은 견해나 유머감각을 갖고 있지 않을 거라는 것을 이해하는게 중요합니다.
▸ It's advisable to be cautious with your choice of words.
단어 선택에 주의를 기울이는 것이 현명합니다.
[ Responding to Feedback ]
(동의할 때)
I'm aware of that.
That sounds fair.
I understand.
I get it.
I take your point.
(조치를 취할 것을 약속할 때)
I can look into that.
I'll see what I can do.
I'll work on that.
I'll get on it right away.
(동의하지 않을 때)
I have to disagree with you.
I am not sure I agree.
I have a different perspective on that.
I don't think that's true.
I don't agree with that.
'English' 카테고리의 다른 글
이 글 공유하기
다른 글
Tell me about yourself.
Tell me about yourself.
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