[ 색깔 영어 명언 Best 7 ]

Without black,
no color has any depth.
But if you mix black with everything,
suddenly there's shadow
- no, not just shadow, but fullness.
You've got to be willing to mix black
into your pallete if you want to
create something that's real.
검정이 없이는 어떠한 색도 깊이가 없다
하지만, 모든것을 검정으로 섞는다면
갑자기 그림자가 생긴다
아니, 단지 그림자뿐만이 아닌
풍부함이 채워진다
생동감있는 무언가를 창조하고 싶다면,
당신의 팔레트에 검정을 섞을
용기가 있어야 한다

- Amy Giant


Color is a power which directly
influences the soul.
색은 영혼에 직접적으로 영향을 주는 힘이다

- Wassily Kandinsky

[ 색깔

영어 명언 Best 7 ]

I found I could say things
with colors and shapes that
I couldn't say any other way
-things I had no words for.
다른 방식으로 말할 수 없는 것들을
색과 형태로는 가능하다는 걸 알아버렸어

- Georgia O'Keeffe


Life is like a rainbow.
You need both rain and sun
to make its colors appear.
인생은 무지개와 같다
색이 나타나려면 비와 해 모두 필요하니까

- Unknown


The world is my canvas
and I create my reality.
세상은 저의 캔버스이고
저는 제 현실을 만들어가죠

- Unknown


Sunset is still my favorite color,
and rainbow is second.
노을은 여전히 제가 좋아하는 색깔입니다
무지개는 두번째고요

- Mattie Stepanek

[ 색깔

영어 명언 Best 7 ]

The downfall of the attempts of
governments and leaders to
unite mankind is found in this-
in the wrong message that
we should see everyone as the same.
정부와 지도자들이 인류를 통합하려는
시도의 몰락은 우리가 우리모두를
같은 시각으로 봐야한다는
잘못된 메세지에서 나타납니다

This is the root of the failure of harmony.
Because the truth is, we should not
all see everyone as the same.
We are not the same.
조화 실패의 근원이죠
사실을 말하자면,
모두를 동일하게 보아서는 안되니까요
우리는 같지 않습니다

We are made of different colours
and we have different cultures.
We are all different.
서로다른 색깔들로 이루어져있고
서로다른 문화를 가지고 있습니다
우리 모두는 다르니까요

But the key to this door is
to look at these differences,
respect these differences,
learn from and about these differences,
and grow in and with these differences.
하지만, 중요한 점은
이 차이점들을 바라보는 것입니다
그 차이점들 존중할 줄 알며,
그것으로부터 배우고-
그리고 함께 성장하는 것이죠

We are all different.
We are not the same.
But that's beautiful.
And that's okay.
우리 모두는 달라요
같지 않습니다
하지만, 그래서 아름답죠
그리고 괜찮습니다

In the quest for unity and peace,
we cannot blind ourselves and
expect to be all the same.
화합과 평화에 대한 추구에서,
우리는 스스로를 가릴 수도,
모두 같아야 한다는 기대를 할 수 없습니다

Because in this, we all have an
underlying belief that
everyone should be the same
as us at some point.
모두가 어느정도는 같아야 한다는
근본적인 믿음을 가지고 있으니까요

We are not on a journey
to become the same
or to be the same.
우리는 같아지기 위해서나
같기 위해서 삶을 살아가는 것이 아닙니다

But we are on a journey to see
that in all of our differences,
that is what makes us beautiful
as a human race, and if we are
ever to grow, we ought to learn
and always learn some more.
인간으로서 아름답게 해주는
모든 차이점들을 보기 위해 살아가는 것이죠
그리고 계속해서 성장한다면,
무언가를 배우고,
늘 또 다른 것을 배워야 하니까요

- Wassily Kandinsky
