비즈니스 영어 발표 : 이정표 & 추임새 & 실수 & 언급 & 연기 & 재질문


[ Using Signposting Language ]


[ Signposting language ]

Next, I'd like to talk about ...
Let's move on and discuss ...
At this point, I'd like to turn to ...
Now that you've heard about ... , let's focus on
Let me go into some more detail about ...
Let's examine ... in more depth.
I'd like to elaborate on ...

Okay, that covers the new policies. Next, I'd like to move on and discuss what these policies mean for you.

좋아요, 그것이 새로운 정책들을 다룹니다. 다음으로는 정책들이 여러분에게 어떤 의미인지에 대해 논의하고자 합니다.

 Now that you've heard a bit about what not to do, let's focus on positive advice to help you be more effective salespeople.

무엇을 하지 말아야 할지에 대해 간략히 들으셨으니, 여러분이 효율적인 판매원이 있도록 긍정적인 조언에 초점을 맞춰봅시다.


To wrap up,
Let's review the key points from ....
What conclusions can you take away from this?

 To wrap up, let's remind ourselves of why this should matter to everyone here.

마무리로, 이것이 우리에게 중요한지에 대해 되새겨봅시다.

 Let's review the key points from this session.

이번 시간의 요점들을 다시 살펴봅시다.

So, you've heard what I have to say. What conclusions can you take away from this?

여러분은 제가 해야할 말들을 들었죠. 이것으로 도출할 있는 결론은 무엇일까요?




[ Dealing with Problems ]


[ Filler phrases ]

Where was I?
어디까지 얘기했죠?
So, what was I saying?
그래서 제가 무슨 말을 하고 있었죠?
What's the word in English again?
영어로 뭐라고 했었죠?

비즈니스 영어 발표 : 이정표 & 추임새 & 실수 & 언급 & 연기 & 재질문


[ Mistakes and clarifications ]

Let me rephrase that.
다시 말해보겠습니다
Actually, what I meant to say is ...
사실상, 제가 말하려고자 했던 건...
To clarify, I wanted to say that ...
분명히 제가 말하고 싶은 건 ...


[ Adding something you forgot ]

Let me just add one more thing: ...
한가지만 더하겠습니다: ...
I'd like to add something to a point we discussed earlier.
이전에 다뤘던 점에 한가지를 더 언급하고자 합니다
Let me return to an earlier point briefly.
간략히 이전 요점으로 돌아가겠습니다

-> This allows you to correct your mistake in a confident way so you look like you're in control.




[ Delay answering ]

I've allocated time for questions at the end of this session, so we'll address your idea later.
이번 수업의 마지막에 질문을 위한 시간을 할당했으니, 그 의견에 대해서는 추후 다뤄보겠습니다
I'm not in a position to answer that right now, but I'll get back to you later this week.
지금 당장 대답할 수 있는 입장이 아니지만, 이번주 중으로 답변드리겠습니다

-> This gives you time to think of an answer and do some research if you have to(:




Deflect the questions ]


-> by asking a question back or maybe by asking other audience members what they think.

[deflect : 방향을 바꾸다 / (관심, 비판등을)모면하다 ]


You've raised an important point there. What does everyone else think about this?
중요한 포인트를 제기하셨군요. 여러분의 생각은 어떤가요?
That's an interesting question. Before I answer, I'd like to know: what's your take on this?
재미있는 질문이네요. 대답하기 전에, 알고 싶습니다. 이것에 대한 당신의 의견은 어떻습니까?


비즈니스 영어 발표 : 이정표 & 추임새 & 실수 & 언급 & 연기 & 재질문

Dismiss the question ]


-> If the question is irrelevant, you can dismiss the question and move on.

[dismiss : 묵살(일축하다) / 떨쳐버리다 ]


Thanks for you input, but I don't see how that's connected to what I'm saying.
의견은 감사하지만, 제가 이야기하는 것과 어떤 관련이 있는지는 모르겠습니다
I don't mean to be blunt, but I don't think that's relevant to today's discussion.
직설적이려고 한 건 아니지만, 오늘의 논의와 관련이 있다고 생각하진 않습니다.

-> to make your language more indirect an polite.

