음식 이디엄 : cool as a cucumber / not cup of my tea / in a nutshell / put all your eggs in one basket
catnap / kill two birds with one stone / pull a rabbit out of the hat / guinea pig / dog eat dog world / fish out of water
건강 영어 명언 Best 20
코로나 관련 영어 표현 / COVID-19 phrases and words
가족 영어 명언 Best 20
동물 이디엄 : busy bee / open a can of worms / wild goose chase / weasel out of / quit cold turkey
사랑 이디엄 : head over heels in love / smitten / get hitched / go through a rough patch / on the rocks
디저트 이디엄 : icing on the cake / that's the way the cookie crumbles / nutty as a fruitcake / have a sweet tooth
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AwayCARE / internship & co-up opportunities
희망 관련 이디엄 12 : keep your chin up / hang in there / break a leg / in the bag / pull yourself together
돈 관련 영어 표현 14가지 / Put your money where your mouth is