전체 글
wean off / wean from / smooth over / hail
wean off / wean from / smooth over / hail
2023.06.25These examples are written by me.In other words, it could sound weird a bit.or maybe a lot. wean somebody off/from something : -가 -을 끊게(그만두게)하다make (someone or something) stop doing or using (something)ex. Weaning Europe from dependence on Russian energy such as liquefied natural gas(LNG) is the next major step to be done.유럽이 천연가스(LNG)와 같은 러시안 에너지에 의존성을 끊게 하는 것이 다음으로 행해져야할 중요한 과제입니다.It's a wild ..
massacre / waypoint / understandably
massacre / waypoint / understandably
2023.06.16These examples are written by me.In other words, it could sound weird a bit.or maybe a lot. massacre : 대학살 / (비격식, 경기시합에서의)대패 / 대학살하다 / (경기시합에서)대패시키다violently kill (a group of people), slaughter / easily defeat (sb or sth)ex. We need to keep the massacre from continuing to help alleviate the humanitarian crisis.인도주위적 위기를 해소하려면, 대학살이 계속 되는것을 막아야 합니다.Surprisingly, she's the only girl who survived ..
double take / out in the sticks / upscale / like two peas in a pod
double take / out in the sticks / upscale / like two peas in a pod
2023.06.13double take : (너무 놀라서 같은 반응을 잠깐 있다가)다시 함an act of quickly looking at sth that is surprising or unusual a second time after looking at it a moment earlierex. She did a double take and zipped up her fly.그녀는 아차싶어 바지 지퍼를 올렸습니다.Why do you do a double take everytime you see me?왜 절 볼때마다 흠칫 놀라시는 거죠?I did a double take couple of times because the guy sitting next to me and my brother were like two peas i..
깊이 생각하다, 숙고하다 영어로 : mull over / perilous / annul
깊이 생각하다, 숙고하다 영어로 : mull over / perilous / annul
2023.06.13These examples are written by me.In other words, it could sound weird a bit.or maybe a lot. mull over : -에 대해 숙고하다think about sth for a long time before deciding what to doex. You need to mull over your career change.직업을 바꾸는 것에 대해 숙고해야 할 필요가 있어요.The crucial issues in the authorities have been mulled over for many years.이 당국의 중대한 문제들은 수년간 숙고되어왔습니다.I've been mulling over leaving here since young.어..
fantasterrific / steezy / precarious
fantasterrific / steezy / precarious
2023.06.11These examples are written by me.In other words, it could sound weird a bit.or maybe a lot. fantasterrific : 환상적으로 훌륭한, 감탄할 정도로 좋은, 훌륭한fantastically + terrific 합성어amazingly goodex. The kiss filled my lungs with your breath, which granted me the most fantasterrific connection.당신의 숨이 제 안에 가득찼고- 너무나 환상적인 느낌을 전해준 입맞춤이였죠.Her swan song was literally fantasterrific.그녀의 마지막 무대는 그야말로 훌륭했습니다.[ swan song 관..
바보같은, 유치한 영어로 : puerile / scuffle / stutter
바보같은, 유치한 영어로 : puerile / scuffle / stutter
2023.06.09These examples are written by me.In other words, it could sound weird a bit.or maybe a lot. puerile : 유치한, 바보같은silly or childish especially in a way that shows a lack of seriousness or good judgmentex. Well, frackly, your behavior was straight up puerile.솔직히, 너 행동 진짜 유치했어.Do you really want to wast your time on such puerile things?바보같은 짓들에 정말로 시간 낭비하고 싶니?It is common to see for him to act pueril..
housebroken / yelp / squawk
housebroken / yelp / squawk
2023.06.07These examples are written by me.In other words, it could sound weird a bit.or maybe a lot. housebroken : (개/고양이 따위가)집안에서 살도록 길들여진, (아이가)대소변을 가리는trained to urinate and defecate in a particular placeex. The 16-year-old girl has not been housebroken ever since she lived with wild animals in Amazon.16살 소녀는 아마존에서 야생동물과 산 이후로, 길들여지지 않은 상태입니다.How long do you think can she be housebroken to get along w..
[ Ted Shadowing 영어독학 ] 테드 쉐도잉 D1.
[ Ted Shadowing 영어독학 ] 테드 쉐도잉 D1.
2023.06.05어쩌다보니 아니, 예상했던 일이지만 I'm all booked up. 학기가 끝나마자자 서머텀과 일을 진행하며 굉장히 바쁜 스케줄을 소화하고 있다. 눈 앞에 놓인 아이들에 충실하고 오늘의 일에 전력을 기울였다. 그런 내게 적어도 물음표가 아닌 느낌표를 찍고 싶었다....[ Ted Shadowing 영어독학 ] 테드 쉐도잉 그렇게 월요일 아침이 왔다. 새벽부터 일찍이 이메일에 답변하던 중, Ted 뉴스레터를 발견했고, 아무생각없이 상단에 뜬 콘텐츠를 클릭했다. Embrace your raw, strange magicThe way we're taught to live has got to change, says author Casey Gerald. Too often, we hide parts of our..
빈혈 영어로 : anemic / anemia / conglomerate / posse
빈혈 영어로 : anemic / anemia / conglomerate / posse
2023.06.05These examples are written by me.In other words, it could sound weird a bit.or maybe a lot. anemic : 빈혈이 있는 / 활기없는relating to or suffering from anemianot strong, forceful, or impressive; weakanemia : 빈혈증a condition in which a person has fewer red blood cells than normal and feels very weak and tiredex. I can give you my blood until I'm anemic.빈혈이 있을 때까지 당신에게 제 피를 줄 수 있어요.Working day and night fo..
chirp / aloof / be run over
chirp / aloof / be run over
2023.06.03chirp (chirping) : 짹짹(찍찍)거리다 / 재잘거리다the soft sounds birds makeex. I was reading a book under the trees where the birds were chirping.새들이 재잘거리는 나무 아래에서 책을 읽고 있었습니다.The thing that soothes me is none other than the chirping of crickets.저를 진정시키는 것은 다름아닌 귀뚜라미 울음소리죠.The sparrows outside the window are chirping to send you a letter.창 밖의 참새들이 당신에게 편지를 전달하려고 지저귀고 있습니다.aloof : 냉담한, 거리가(떨어져) 있는distant; det..
confide in / permissive / lenient
confide in / permissive / lenient
2023.06.01confide in : 비밀을 털어놓다tell personal and private things to (someone)ex. She is the only girl I can confide in without hiding anything.그녀는 제가 숨김없이 비밀을 털어놓을 수 있는 유일한 여자입니다.I'd like to be a parent my kids can confide in.전 제 아이들이 비밀을 털어 놓을 수 있는 부모가 되고 싶어요.I find it confiding in strangers more conducive to comfort once in a while.때로는 낯선이에게 비밀을 털어놓는 것이 위안에 더 도움이 됩니다.[ conducive 관련 표현 ]permissive : (특히 성..
애지중지하는 영어로 : doting / stag party / lax
애지중지하는 영어로 : doting / stag party / lax
2023.05.27These examples are written by me.In other words, it could sound weird a bit.or maybe a lot. doting : 맹목적으로 사랑하는, 애지중지하는showing a lot of love or attentionex. The child dependency starts from doting and overprotective parents.아이의 의존성은 애지중지하고 과잉보호하는 부모님으로부터 비롯됩니다.He's intelligent, doting guy for me.그는 똑똑하고 나를 끔찍이 사랑하는 남자예요.Some parents who want to give their children all the things they didn't have..