These examples are written by me.

In other words, it could sound weird a bit.

or maybe a lot.


jump the shark : 인기가 떨어지기 시작하다, 한물 가다, 무리수를 던지다,
describes moments of misguided plot twists
and/or ridiculous storylines;
marks the point in which a show starts to become less popular

ex. I enjoyed this drama for months, but lately, the story is all over the map and it has jumped the shark.

몇달간 드라마를 즐겨봤는데, 최근들어 이야기가 중구난방이고 무리수를 던지더라.

I just got done reading the book you recommended. While I found some parts to be fascinating, I couldn't help but feel that it jumped the shark half-way through.

당신이 추천해준 책을 지금 읽었어요. 어떤 부분은 매우 흥미로웠던 반면, 중간 쯤에 이야기가 산으로가는 느낌을 지울 수가 없었어요.

Politicians like to twist words and meanings to their own advantage, which eventually leads them to jump the shark.

정치인들은 말들과 의미들을 자신에게 유리한대로 바꾸기를 좋아하며, 결국 무리수에 이르게 된다.

무리수를 던지다 영어로

sweep under the rug : -을 숨기다, 비밀로 하다
trying to hide or conceal something

ex. Most politicians would prefer to sweep it under the rug.

대부분의 정치인들은 비밀로 덮어두길 원할 거예요.

Do you really want to sweep it under the rug?

정말 비밀로 하길 원하나요?

No point in trying to sweep under the rug.

숨기려 해봤자 소용 없어.


그외 비밀 관련 표현

1. keep it on the down-low


대단한, 만만치 않은 영어로 : hellacious / -을 해소하다 take the edge off / 비밀지켜줘 keep it on the down-l

These examples are written by me. In other words, it could sound weird a bit. or maybe a lot. Hellacious : 대단한, 두드러진, 멋진 / 무서운, 만만치 않은, 심한 awesome very difficult, large or powerful ex. It's been a hellacious year, but

2. keep it under wraps


up for grabs / up in the air / up to / underground / up to speed / under wraps / umteen / umteenth

up for grabs : (관심 있는 사람)누구나 구할(차지할)수 있는 still available, unclaimed [unclaimed : 주인이 나서지 않는 ex. There were many unclaimed items at the lost-and-found. 분실물 센터에는 주인이 찾아가지 않은

무리수를 던지다 영어로

Monday morning quarterback : (이미 일이 있고 난 후)뒤늦게 따따부따하는 사람
to unfairly criticize someone for their decisions or actions after it has already happened

ex. Please don't be a Monday morning quarterback.

제발 뒷북 치지 말아주세요.

Now, as you see, he's just being a Monday morning quarterback.

, 보다시피 그는 이미 지난일에 대해 뭐라고 말하는 중이죠.



hands down : 노력하지않고, 수월하게 / 문제없이, 명확히

ex. If you keep your pace, you'll make it hands down.

페이스를 유지한다면 손쉽게 해낼 있을거예요.

Hands down, it's the best idea I've ever heard.

의심할 여지없이 제가 들었던 최고의 발상입니다.

If there was an award for the most frequent cry for a specific reason, I would win hands down.

특정한 이유로 가장 빈번한 울음에 대한 시상이 있다면야, 제가 수월하게 이길텐데요.


(someone's) two cents : 의견, 견해
someone's opinion about something, especially when their opinion is not asked for

ex. I feel you're meant to be thinking of me. That's my two cents.

당신은 저를 생각하게 운명이죠. 이게 견해입니다.

You did everything to forget each other, but you weren't meant to be. It might be my misunderstanding, but my two cents.

당신들은 서로를 잊으려고 온갖 애를 썼지만, 그냥 그렇게 운명이 아니었던 모양이죠. 착각일 수도 있지만, 의견입니다.

It must be amazing living my dream. That's my two cents.

꿈을 이루며 산다는 정말 놀라운 일이죠. 의견입니다.


period : 강조할때 쓰는 표현(말하는 문장의 마지막에)
used to emphasize something; said at the end of a person's statement
*UK -> full stop

ex. Today, I'm gonna fly, period.

오늘 전 날아오를 거예요. 진짜로요.

No matter what the obstacle, I go after what my heart wants, period.

어떤 장애물이 있더라도, 심장이 원하는 바를 추구합니다. 진심으로요.

No matter what it costs me, I got your back, period.

어떤 댓가를 치르더라도 내가 지켜줄거야(:

무리수를 던지다 영어로

