tear at : -을 찢다, 공격하다 / 마음을 아프게 하다
to pull at or try to attack
to cause great stress or anxiety

ex. The dog tore at a piece of meat like me.

 개는 나처럼 고기 한조각을 맹렬히 찢었어. 

He tore at the wrappings of the package.

그는 소포의 포장지를 뜯었다.

tore at the bandage on my arm.

팔에있는 밴드를 잡아 뜯었다.

The news tore at my heart.

 소식으로 내 마음이 아팠지.

When she died, it tore at my soul.

그녀가 죽었을 , 내 영혼은 찢어졌어.

tear away : (떠나고 싶지 않은 -에서)떠나다 / (-으로부터)-을 떼어놓다
to reluctantly remove oneself

ex. We couldn't tear ourselves away from that movie.

우린  영화에서 눈을  수가 없었습니다.

It was hard to tear them away.

그들을 억지로 떼어놓기 힘들었습니다.

I couldn't tear myself away from her even if I wanted to.

그녀에게서 도망쳐 나올라 해도 도망칠 수가 없었죠.


tear down : -을 파괴하다, 해체하다 / (명성 등을)손상시키다, 비방하다
to destroy or demolish
to discredit or villify someone

ex. He wants to tear down the building.

그는  빌딩을 허물고 싶어 합니다.

They are going to tear down this place anyway.

하여간 그들은  곳을 철거할 예정이에요.

The politician tore down his opponent as dishonest.

 정치인은 상대편을 부정직하다고 비방했다.

Cyber attacks and tearing down are not new in Korea.

한국에서 사이버공격과 비방하는 것은 전혀 낯선 것이 아닙니다.

tear apart : -을 갈가리 찢어(뜯어) 버리다 / (굉장히, 심하게)비판하다
to rip or pull something apart
to heavily criticize something

ex. Racial strife is tearing our country apart.

인종  다툼이 우리나라를 분열시키고 있다.

The critic tore apart our movie.

 평론가는 우리 영화에 대해 너무 안좋게 얘기했다.

The press will tear us apart if we let them.

우리가 언론을 내버려두면 그들은 우리를 헐뜯을 거예요.


tear into : (말로, 심하게)비난하다 / 맹렬히 - 하기 시작하다
to attack someone verbally
to do something with great energy

ex. You words can tear into a person's heart and ruin them.

당신의 말은  사람의 가슴을 찢고 상처줄  있어요.

The director tore into one of our employees during the meeting.

 본부장은 우리 직원  한명을 회의중에 대놓고 깠다.

The teenage boy tore into the meal.

10 소년은 식사를 허겁지겁 먹었다.

They tore into their food as if they were starving.

그들은 굶주린 사람들처럼 맹렬히 음식을 먹기 시작했다.


tear up : (서류 등을)갈기갈기 찢다(파기하다)
to rip into small pieces
to cancel (e.g. a contract)
*tear apart이 두조각으로 찢는다면- tear up 은 여러조각으로 찢을경우 사용(:

ex. You can't tear up the deal like that.

당신은  거래를 그런 식으로 파기할  없습니다.

I have to tear up this lease.

저는  임대차 계약을 파기해야 합니다.

We need to tear up old ways and social habits to a certain point.

저희는 어느정도 낡은 방식과 습관들을 부술 필요가 있습니다.

He was tearing up the love letters I got from my ex-girlfriend.

그는 제가 전여친으로부터 받은 러브레터를 찢고 있었습니다.


tear off : 떼어(찢어)내다
to rip off or remove a piece of something

ex. I tore off a piece of paper from my note and started to write a letter.

노트에서 종이 한장을 떼어낸 , 편지를 쓰기 시작했죠.

I like to tear off the end crust of a new loaf and eat it.

저는 빵의 딱딱한 끝부분 모서리를 뜯어내서 먹는걸 좋아합니다.
