a lone wolf : 혼자있기를 좋아하는 사람
a person who prefers to be alone
someone who doesn't enjoy other people

I'm kind of a lone wolf.

저는 혼자 있기를 좋아하는 사람입니다.

She is a true lone wolf. Her only friends were her books and her pet dog.

그녀는 정말로 고독을 즐기는 사람이죠. 그녀의 유일한 친구는 책과 반려견이거든요.

My " lone wolf " attitude has been gradually chaning ever since I met her.

저의 "혼자있길 좋아하는" 태도는 그녀를 만난 이후로 서서히 변해왔습니다.


wallflower : (파티에서 파트너가 없어서) 춤을 추지 못하는(인기없는)사람
someone who is shy and do not get involved in dancing or talking to people at social events

ex. He's kind of a wallflower, you know?

그는 수줍음이 많아, 알지?

If you are there, don't be a wallflower.

거기 있으시다면, 함께 즐기세요.

I could not be just the shy, meek wallflower anymore. But still, I prefer to spend time with one or two people having in-depth conversations.

더이상 그저 수줍음이 많은 사람이 수가 없었죠. 하지만 여전히 , 한두명의 사람과 깊이있는 대화를 하는 것을 선호합니다.

a social butterfly : 사교성이 좋은 사람
someone who loves being at a party, talking with everyone and being always in the middle of a group
gregarious person who likes to attend parties and other social gatherings

ex. So have you become the social butterfly you hoped to be?

그래서 당신은 바라던대로 마당발이 되었나요?

I've seen in a long time of social butterfly itch.

인간관계에 목말라하기는 오랜만입니다.

You're not just a social butterfly who doesn't care.

관계에 신경쓰지않는 사교만 찾는 사람은 아니잖아요.

smart cookie : 영리한 녀석(어떤 어려운 상황을 잘 다루는 사람)
a clever person with good ideas
an individual who has impressed another one by completing or performing some kind of action, and in turn, are complimented

ex. She's a smart cookie and works on self-improvement an awful lot.

여자는 똑똑하고, 지독하게도 자기계발을 .

My ideal type is someone who is a smart cookie.

이상형은 똑똑한 사람입니다.

My father is a really smart cookie. He's definitely the brains behind my family's business.

아버지는 뇌섹남입니다. 확실히 저희 가족 경영의 두뇌거든요.


