[ *직접 번역 - 오역이 있을 있습니다. ]


You cannot buy engagement.
You have to build engagement.
관계를 살 순 없습니다
관계는 쌓아가는 것입니다

- Tara-Nicholle Nelson

마케팅 영어 명언 10

What really decides consumers
to buy or not to buy is the content
of your advertising, not its form.
소비자들의 구매를 결정짓는 건
광고의 형태가 아니라 콘텐츠죠

- David Ogilvy
Don't build links.
Build relationships.
단순히 링크가 아닌,
관계를 구축하세요.

- Rand Fishkin


Thnk like a wise man
but above all,
communicate in the language
of the people.
현명하게 생각하세요
하지만 무엇보다,
그들의 언어로 소통하세요

- William Butler Yeats


If great content is the hero,
then banners are the villain.
콘텐츠가 영웅이라면,
배너들은 악당입니다

- Michael Brenner

마케팅 영어 명언 10

To countinue winning
the internet marketing game,
your content has to be
more than just brilliant
- it has to give the people consuming
that content the ability to become
a better version of themselves.
인터넷 마케팅 전략에서 계속 이기려면,
당신의 콘텐츠가 단순히 빛나는 것
이상이여야 합니다
사람들이 더 나은 자신이 될 수 있는
능력을 받아들이도록 하는 것이죠

- Michelle StinsonRoss


Try to say everything in an ad
and you end up saying nothing.
한편의 광고에 모든것을 담아내세요
그러면 굳이 아무것도 말하지 않아도 됩니다

- Jeff Mamula


Behind every tweet,
share and purchase,
there is a person.
Care more about the person
and less about the share.
모든 트윗의 뒷면에는
공유와 구매가 있지만,
무엇보다 사람이 있습니다
공유에 대해선 덜해도 괜찮지만,
그 사람에 대해선 관심을 기울일 필요가 있습니다

- Shafqat Islam


There is a definite difference
between just listening and
waiting for your turn to speak.
단순히 듣는 것과
당신이 말할 기회를 기다리는 데에는
분명한 차이가 있습니다

- Simon Sinek

마케팅 영어 명언 10

Build something 100 people love,
not something 1 million people kind of like.
백만명의 사람들이 좋아하는 것보다
백명의 사람들이 사랑하는 무언가를 만드세요

