with bells on : 기꺼이, 열심히, 씩씩하게 / (비난, 비평에 더해)참으로
(especially regarding acceptance of an invitation) with eager anticipation and enthusiasm
used for emphasizing that something is definitely true

ex. I'm here with you to the bitter end, with bells on.

기꺼이 끝을  때까지 여기 당신과 있겠어요.

In particular, Southeast Asian teenagers like Korean idol stars with bells on.

특히 동남아시아 십대들이 한국 아이돌스타들을 아주 열광적으로 좋아한다.

I'll go to your birthday party with bells on.

당연히  생일 파티에 가야지(:

A: She was upset.

A: 그녀는 화가  있어.

B: Yup, with bells on!

B: , 단단히 화나 있더라.

march to the beat of your own drum : (다른 사람이나 어떤것도 고려없이) 오로지 자기방식대로 하다.
when someone does things the way they want to, without taking anybody else or anything else into consideration.

ex. As for me, I march only to the beat of my own drum.

저로 말하자면, 개성대로 삽니다.

It pays off in the long run, even if you march to the beat of your own drum.

오로지 당신 방식대로 살더라도, 장기적으로 보면 좋은 성과로 돌아옵니다.

Just let it go in one ear and out the other. It's okay to march to the beat of your own drum.

남의 말에 신경 쓰지 . 오로지 방식대로 살아도 괜찮아.


You can't unring a bell : (이미 했던 말 or 일을) 돌이킬 순 없어.
This means that once something has been done, it cannot be changed and you have to live with the consequences.

ex. I should've hidden the truth, but I can't unring a bell.

진실을 숨겼어야 했지만, 이미 돌이킬 없는 일이다.

Now that she's gone, you can't unring a bell.

그녀가 이제 떠나갔으니, 돌이킬 없어.

ring a bell : 들어본 적이 있는 것 같다
if sth rings a bell, it sounds familiar, but you can't remember the exact details.

ex. A: My besite Cavin is visiting Korea this month, do you happen to know him?

A: 가장친한친구 캐빈이 이번달에 한국을 방문해요. 혹시 그를 아시나요?

B: No, that name doesn't ring a bell.

B: 아뇨, 이름은 들어본 적이 없는 같아요.

Does that ring a bell with you?

그것에 대해 기억나는 없나요?

If you're technically inclined, then these terms may ring a bell.

너가 기술 관련 소양이 있다면, 이러한 용어들이 낯익을 거야.

