negligible / pronounced / collapse / level off / strong year
[ Describing Trends ]
Sales _____ from 150 million to 200 million.
= Sales _____ by 50 million.
▸ rose
▸ increased
▸ grew
▸ improved
▸ climbed
Sales _____ from 15,000 to 13,000.
= Sales _____ by 2,000.
▸ decreased
▸ declined
▸ dropped
▸ fell
grow (vb.) -> growth (n.)
improve (vb.) -> improvement (n.)
negligible : (중요성, 규모가 작아)무시해도 될 정도의
throughout the year : 한 해에 걸쳐
for the full year : 1년 내내
pronounced : 눈에 잘 띄는, 두드러진 / 확연한, 단호한, 분명한
sth that is pronounced is very noticeable
▸ For the 51 to 61 group, results were solid but there was only a negligible increase for the full year. Sales initally fell between Q1 and Q2, but recovered from four million in Q2 to 6.5 million by the end of Q4.
51에서 61세 그룹에선, 결과가 탄탄했으나, 1년 내내 아주 작은 증가수치만 기록했다. 판매량은 처음에 1분기와 2분기 사이에 떨어졌으나, 2분기부터 4분기 끝까지 4백만에서 6백50만으로 회복했다.
▸ Finally, sales to those aged 66 and up decreased steadily throught the year.
마지막으로, 66세 이상의 판매량은 한 해에 걸쳐 지속적으로 감소했다.
▸ There was a particularly pronounced decline between Q2 and Q3, when sales dropped by three million.
판매량이 3백만 가량 떨어졌던, 2분기와 3분기 사이에 확연한 감소가 있었다.
[ Describing Percentages and Proportions ]
fraction ; a third / a quarter / a fifth
*'more than' / 'less than' -> to describe things more accurately.
comprise : 차지하다
= account for
= make up
▸ More than half (55%) of our sales are vehicle insurance.
판매량의 절반 이상이 자동차보험입니다.
▸ Less than a third of customers said they would recommend us to a friend.
고객의 3분의 1 이하가 친구에게 저희 회사를 추천할거라고 말했습니다.
▸ More than three quarters of purchases were through our website.
구매량의 75%(4분의 3)가 우리 웹사이트를 통해서 이루어졌습니다.
▸ The second highest performer is home insurance, making up one-fifth of policies sold.
두번째로 높은 상품이 판매된 보험의 5분의 1을 차지한 주택보험입니다.
▸ Life insurance and health insurance each comprised ten percent of total sales.
생명보험과 건강보험은 각각 전체 판매량의 10퍼센트를 차지했습니다.
▸ Travel insurance accounted for the smallest percentage of sales, at just five percent.
여행보험은 단지 5퍼센트로, 판매량의 가장 작은 비율을 차지했습니다.
*percentages / fractions 둘다 응용해서 쓰는 연습하기(:
*때에 따라서, modifier 더해서 사용하기(: -> more than / approximately...
▸ Clothing slaes accounted for 80% of our revenue last year.
의류 판매는 작년 수익의 80%를 차지했습니다.
▸ Clothing sales accounted for four-fiths of our revenue last year.
의류 판매는 작년 수익의 5분의 4를 차지했습니다.
▸ Home appliance sales made up approximately four-fiths of our revenue last year.
가전 제품 판매량은 작년 수익의 약 5분의 4를 차지했습니다.
▸ Home appliance sales made up just under four-fiths of our revenue last year.
가전 제품 판매량은 작년 수익의 5분의 4가 조금 안되는 기록을 차지했습니다.
[ How to Describe Rates of Change ]
fluctuate : 변동을 거듭하다
a figure moves up and down, but the overall change is small
dramatic rise : 급격한 증가
really large, sudden increase
steady growth : 꾸준한 성장
= gradual growth
= continuous growth
sth increases at a constant rate over a period of time
collapse : 폭락하다 / 폭락
decrease by a large amount in a short time
level off : 변동이 없게 되다, 안정되다(시키다)
become level or steady after a period of sharp rises and falls
▸ In the Middle East and North Africa, the number of new customers collapsed between 2017 and 2018, reaching a low point of just half a million in 2018.
중동 아시아와 북아프리카에서 새로운 고객들의 수가 2017년과 2018년 사이에 폭락했으며, 2018년에 50만의 최저치를 기록했습니다.
▸ Customer acqusition figures then levelled off, with only small fluctuations over the remaining period.
고객확보 수치는 안정적이었고, 남은 기간동안 오로지 작은 변화들만 있었습니다.
▸ In Europe, the number of new customers fluctuated between 2017 and 2020.
유럽에선 새 고객 수치가 2017년과 2020년 사이에 계속해서 변동했습니다.
▸ Between 2019 and 2020 there was a dramatic rise.
2019년과 2020년 사이에 급격한 증가가 있었습니다.
▸ After the collapse of the company, thousands were made redundant.
회사의 파산 이후로, 수천명이 퇴출당했다.
[ redundant : 정리 해고당한(실직당한) ]
▸ Customer acquisition in the Americas saw steady growth.
미주 지역에서의 고객확보는 꾸준한 성장을 보였습니다.
[ Talking about Storng Weak Sales Periods ]
strong year : (판매량/수익이)많은 한해
a year's sale better than expected
hit : 도달하다, 기록하다
outperform : 더 나은 결과를 내다, 능가하다
perform better than expected
<-> underperform (firgues are worse than expected)
disappointing year : (판매량/수익이)적은 한해
a year's sale worse than expected
challenging : 힘든, 다사다난한, 도전적인
something like difficult
weak : 저조한, 약한
if sales are worse than you are expected, you could also describe them as 'weak', 'poor', or just 'bad'
▸ Although life insurance constituted a small proportion of our total, sales nontheless outperformed expectations, and we're hoping to build on that growth in 2021.
[ consitutue : -을 이루다(구성하다) = make up ]
▸ On the other hand, our health insurance division had a disappointing year, with sales falling well below expectations.
반면에, 건강보험부서는 저조한 한해였고, 판매량이 기대치보다 훨씬 아래였다.
[ well below : 훨씬 아래에 ]
▸ 2020 was a strong year for our vehicle insurance arm.
2020년은 자동차 보험 부문에 판매량이 많은 한 해였다.
▸ Sales hit their highest levels ever.
판매량은 최고치를 기록했다.
▸ Life insurance sales outperformed expectations.
생명 보험 판매량은 기대치를 능가했다.
▸ Challenging market conditions led to a significant increase in customer acquisition costs.
어려운 시장 상황은 고객확보비용에 상당한 증가로 이어졌다.
▸ Sales of travel insurance were also weak.
여행보험 판매량 또한 저조했다.
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2022.12.13 -
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2022.12.12 -
I'll cut to the chase / don't cut corners / watertight / keep up the good work
I'll cut to the chase / don't cut corners / watertight / keep up the good work
2022.12.11 -
claw back / competitive edge / emerging market / market forces / get established in a new market / strategic move / first mover / get out of the market
claw back / competitive edge / emerging market / market forces / get established in a new market / strategic move / first mover / get out of the market