get out of one's hair / a pain in the neck / let down your hair / have a chip on someone's shoulder
march to the beat of your own drum / with bells on / you can't unring a bell / ring a bell
when hell freezes over / squirrel away / in cold blood / the apple doesn't fall
in a heartbeat / walk out on / there's no love lost between / animosity / leave someone at the altar
for love nor money / love rat / two-time / have an affair with / fix somebody up / those little words
have the hots for / pick up the slack / fool's paradise / be an item
rub elbows with / get something off your chest / leverage
hot mess / take a breather / feel off / puzzled
giddy (with excitement) / wear one's heart on one's sleeve / be prickly / get worn down
have a whale of a time / in the clear / shed light on
water under the bridge / bridge the gap / cross that bridge when we get there / build bridges / burn one's bridges
gung ho / mind your PS and QS / bull in a china shop / bite the dust / Bob's your uncle