20250213 감사일기
20250213 Gratitude Diary
1. 어제 개발공부를 하고 조금 느지막이 12시쯤 잠에 들었는데 깨어나보니 여섯시였다. 원래 계획대로라면 4시에 일어나는게 목표였지만, 새벽 여섯시에 일어나도 충분히 1시간 운동 및 해야 할 일들을 마칠 수 있었다. 잠이 보약이라는 것을 다시한번 깨달을 수 있어서 감사합니다.
I was studying development yesterday and ended up falling asleep a bit late, around midnight. When I woke up, it was already six o'clock. My original goal was to wake up at 4am, but even though I slept in until 6am, I still had enough time to finish my workout and everything else I needed to do. It was a perfect reminder that sleep is the best medicine, and I’m grateful for that. Better late than never:)
2. 드디어 오늘 아침, 출근 전 TD 계좌를 해지했다. 목표별로 전략을 짜서 활용하기위해 RBC/EQ Bank/WealthSimple/Simplii 4개의 플랫폼을 활용하기로 결정했다. 재테크 공부는 언제나 재미있고, 앞으로도 계속 배워가며 발전해갈거라서 감사합니다.
Finally, this morning before heading to work, I closed my TD account. I’ve decided to use four platforms—RBC(main), EQ Bank, WealthSimple, and Simplii—to strategize and make the most of my goals. Learning about personal finance is always enjoyable, and I’m grateful for the opportunity to continue growing and improving as I keep learning.
3. 오래된 옷들을 믹스매치했을 뿐인데 옷과 관련한 DM을 연달아 받았다. 그 중에 내가 좋아하는 에밀리카 영혼들도 있어서 행복했다. 감사합니다.
3. I just mixed and matched some old clothes, but I ended up receiving several DMs about them. Among them, there were messages from some of my fav EmilyCarr spirits, which made me happy. TY🧚🏻
4. 회의때 팀원분들의 개인적열망과 직업적 목표와 연결되고 있음을 느낄 수 있어서 감동을 받았다. 매일 성장한다는 느낌을 주는 팀원분들께 진심으로 감사합니다.
I was truly moved during the meeting, as I could feel how the team's personal aspirations are connecting with their professional goals. I'm deeply grateful to be surrounded by teammates who make me feel like I'm growing every day. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
5. 오늘도 소소한 간식선물을 받았다. 감사합니다아.
5. I received a small snack gift today again. TYY.
6. 퇴근길에 어떤 여성분이 예쁘다고 칭찬해주셨다. 아무래도 나나이모에는 천사들이 많은것 같다. 말 한마디의 중요성을 다시금 깨달을 수 있어서 감사합니다.
6. On my way home, a woman gave me sweet words. It seems like there are angels everywhere in my life. I'm grateful for the reminder of how powerful a kind word can be.
7. 장기비전을 설정하고, 감히 시도조차 못할 정도로 터무니없어 보이는 목표라도 자유롭게 적어본게 벌써 2년 전이다. 그런데 진짜 이룰거라서 감사합니다.
7. It’s been 1.5 years since I set my long term vision and wrote down goals that seemed so impossible to even attempt. But now, I’m going to achieve them. I’m deeply grateful for this journey.


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