These examples are written by me.

In other words, it could sound weird a bit.

or maybe a lot.



befuddled : 정신이 없는, 당황스러운, 어리둥절한
unable to think clearly, very confused


ex. I was befuddled with her sudden confession.

저는 그녀의 갑작스러운 고백에 당혹스러웠죠.

Hey, you look befuddled.. is everything OK?

당신, 정신이 없어보이는데.. 괜찮은 겁니까?

I'm befuddled.. cuz I have absolutely no memory of last night.

당황스럽네요.. 어젯밤이 전혀 기억나질 않거든요.


discombobulated : 혼란된, 술취한
confused and disconcerted


ex. She was in a discombobulated state of mind when her parents pop off.

부모님이 갑작스럽게 죽자 그녀는 혼란스러운 상태에 빠졌습니다.

I was discombobulated with a massive inheritance from her.

그녀가 남긴 어마어마한 유산에 전 혼란스러웠어요.

It was really difficult to keep my cool as I was discombobulated with threat.

협박으로 인해 혼란스러워서 침착을 유지하기가 힘들었습니다.



disconcert : 불안하게(당황스럽게) 만들다
make (someone) upset or embarrassed
disconcerted : 당황한

ex. They were seriously disconcerted as their computer system froze up.

컴퓨터가 다운되어서 그들은 몹시 당황했습니다.

I noticed at once that he was badly disconcerted underneath his cool exterior.

냉정한 겉모습과 달리 그가 매우 당황했다는 걸 단번에 알아챘죠.

If you don't mind, could you tell me what made you disconcerted?

괜찮으시다면, 무엇이 당신을 불안하게 한건지 말해주실 수 있으실까요?


