경박한, 바보같은, 까부는, 사소한 영어로 : frivolous / 아주 깨끗한, 오염되지 않은 : pristine
These examples are written by me.
In other words, it could sound weird a bit.
or maybe a lot.
frivolous : 경박한, 바보같은; 까부는 / 사소한, 하찮은
behaving in a silly or foolish way;
describing something as unimportant
ex. His frivolous comments thatruffled my feathers made me grin and bear it cuz he is beneath notice.
화를 돋우는 그의 경박한 발언은 저로하여금 쓴웃음을 지으며 참게했죠. 그는 상대할 가치조차 없으니까요.
I was able to raise $100 million by tying to save a frivolous spending for about two and a half years.
약 2년 반동안 사소한 지출을 절약하는 노력을 통해 1억을 모을 수 있었습니다.
Don't go all around the houses with something frivolous. Just hold your horses.
사소한 것들로 복잡하게 만들지 마렴.
[ go all around the houses : (일, 질문 등을)아주 복잡하게 하다
Ex. I didn't go all around the houses
: I went straight to the point ]
[ hold one's horses 관련 표현 ]
동물 이디엄 : busy bee / open a can of worms / wild goose chase / weasel out of / quit cold turkey
[ 동물 이디엄 10 ] 1. busy bee : 부지런한 일꾼 someone who is always busy doing things ex. I've been such a busy bee today! And still loads more to do. 오늘 눈코 뜰새 없이 바빴어. 그리고 아직도 더 많은 할일이 쌓여있어.
pristine : 완전 새 것 같은, 아주 깨끗한 / 자연 그대로의, 오염되지 않은
in very good condition
not changed by people, left in its natural state
ex. The secondhand camera I recently bought is in pristine condition.
최근 구입한 중고 카메라는 완전 새 것 같아요.
I was enchanted by its pristine environment and stunning ocean views.
아주 깨끗한 환경과 굉장히 아름다운 오션뷰에 넋을 잃었습니다.
The house furnished with taste I rented in Vancouver is loacted in pristine surroundings.
밴쿠버에서 임대한 그 집은 감각적으로 꾸며져 있으며 쾌적한 곳에 위치하고 있습니다.
'English' 카테고리의 다른 글
이 글 공유하기
다른 글
Don't be in two minds. You know that I am your cup of tea taking one with another. But then again, you don’t even have to consider things cuz I keep coming to your mind.
Don't be in two minds. You know that I am your cup of tea taking one with another. But then again, you don’t even have to consider things cuz I keep coming to your mind.
2023.07.12 -
If you take a liking to me, don’t hesitate to get closer to me. Keep breaking into my world.
If you take a liking to me, don’t hesitate to get closer to me. Keep breaking into my world.
2023.07.11 -
다가오는, 기꺼이 말하는 : forthcoming / 확인해보지 않고 바로, 생각없는 영어로 : offhand
다가오는, 기꺼이 말하는 : forthcoming / 확인해보지 않고 바로, 생각없는 영어로 : offhand
2023.07.07 -
바보같은, 멍청한, 어리석은 영어로 : illin'
바보같은, 멍청한, 어리석은 영어로 : illin'