devilish : 사악한, 악마같은 / 악마적인(도덕적으로는 나쁘지만 매력있는)
evil and cruel showing a desire to cause trouble but in a way that is not serious

ex. Who the hell is going to approve this devilish plan?

대체 누가 사악한 계획을 찬성하겠어?

He's been so mean to me with a devilish charm.

그는 악마같은 매력으로 제게 못되게 굴어왔죠.

Well, I have a devilish side as well.

사악한 또한 가지고 있어요.

infiltrate : 잠입(침투)하다(시키다) / 스며들다
secretly enter or join (sth, such as a group or an organization) in order to get information or do harm
sometimes used figuratively

ex. The thing is some hackers managed to infiltrate the server.

문제는 몇몇 해커들은 서버에 침입해 들어왔다는 거죠.

Who do you think is the right person to infiltrate the organisation?

조직에 침투할 사람으로 누가 적합합니까?

His brutal words infiltrated to the bone.

그의 잔인한 말들은 뼛속까지 스며들었어요.

ignominy : (격식)불명예, 수치
a situation or event that causes you to feel ashamed or embarrassed

ex. I'd rather choose death before ignominy.

불명예보다 차라리 죽음을 택하겠어요.

My parents told me that I'm the ignominy to the family.

저희 부모님은 제가 가족의 수치라고 말했습니다.

The accident brouhgt him ignominy to him, but he will be vindicated near at hand.

사건은 그에게 불명예를 안겨다주었지만, 그는 조만간 누명을 벗을 겁니다.

[ near at hand 관련 표현 ]


Diary : in the offing / just around the corner / before you know it / on the horizon / (sth) is brewing

1. Diary [ Today's list ] - English - Workout - Walk-in-clinic (plz...) - Journey map design - Vancouver Art Gallery - Sketchnoting after VAG - Report Submission Unexpected things kept happening, but they will be over before you know it..(: Keep your chin


