I told you.
You don't love someone
because of their looks
or their clothes or their car.
그들의 외모나 옷, 혹은 차 때문에
누구가를 사랑하는게 아니에요
You love them
because they sing a song
only your heart can understand.
당신의 마음이 이해할 수 있는
노래를 부르기 때문에
그들을 사랑하는 거죠

- L.J. Smith

운명 영어 명언

Don’t worry if people think
you’re crazy.
사람들이 당신을 미쳤다고
생각할지라도 걱정마세요
You are crazy.
당신은 미쳤으니까요
You have that kind of
intoxicating insanity that
당신에겐 취하게 만드는 광기가 있거든요
lets other people dream
outside of the lines and become
who they’re destined to be.
한계를 넘어 다른 이들을 꿈꾸게 하고
운명짓게 할 광기 말이죠

- Jennifer Elisabeth

운명 영어 명언

What we call our destiny
is truly our character and
that character can be altered.
우리가 운명이라고 부르는 건
정확히 우리의 기질이고
그건 변할 수 있어요
The knowledge that we are
responsible for our actions
and attitudes does not
need to be discouraging,
행동과 태도에 대한 책임이 있음을
알고 있는 것이 우리를 낙담시킬 필욘 없죠
because it also means that
we are free to change this destiny.
그건 또한 우리가 운명을 변화하는데 있어
자유롭다는 걸 의미하니까요
One is not in bondage to the past,
which has shaped our feelings,
to race, inheritance, background.
우리의 감정들을 만들어온 과거와
인종, 유산, 배경들에 구속되어 있지 않아요
All this can be altered
if we have the courage
to examine how it formed us.
우리를 어떻게 형성했는지
면밀히 관찰할 수 있는 용기가 있다면야
모든것은 변화할 수 있으니까요
We can alter the chemistry
provided we have the courage
to dissect the elements.
요소들을 해부할 용기가 있는 한
불가사의한 작용을 변화시킬 수 있어요

- Anais Nin

dissect : (인체/동식물을)해부하다 / (무엇의 상태를)해부(분석)하다

ex. When I was a little girl, I used to dissect frogs with curiosity.

어렸을때, 호기심으로 개구리를 해부하곤 했었어.

You think I'm wrong? Feel free to dissect my points then.

당신 생각에 제가 틀렸다는 거죠? 그럼 서슴지 말고 관점을 비평해주세요.


I knew I loved you before I met you.
널 만나기 전부터 사랑했다는 걸 알았어
I think I dreamed you into life.
평생 널 꿈꿔왔으니까
I knew I loved you before I met you.
널 만나기 전부터 사랑했다는 걸 알았어
I have been waiting all my life.
내 평생을 기다려왔으니까

- Savage Garden


All the world's a stage
and most of us are
desperately unrehearsed.
모든 세상은 하나의 무대야
그리고 대부분의 우리는
제대로 연습이 되어있지 않은 상태지

운명 영어 명언

The way you see your life
shapes your life.
당신의 삶을 바라보는 방식이 삶을 형성하죠
How you define life
determines your destiny.
어떻게 삶을 정의하느냐에따라
운명도 결정되고요
Your perspective will influence
당신의 관점은 영향을 미칠거에요
how you invest your time,
어떻게 시간을 투자하고
spend your money,
use your talents,
돈을 쓰고 재능을 활용하고
and value your relationships.
당신의 관계들을 소중하게
생각하느냐에 따라 달려있죠
Rick Warren

운명 영어 명언

You are not the victim of the world,
당신은 세상의 피해자가 아니에요
but rather the master
of your own destiny.
운명의 주인이죠
It is your choices and decisions
that determine your destiny.
운명을 결정하는 건
당신의 선택과 결정이에요
Roy T. Bennett


I run my own world,
난 내 세상을 지배해
because I very firmly believe that
my destiny, my future is in my hands
운명과 미래는 내 손에 달려있음을
확고히 믿기 때문이지
and I don't want to
blame anybody else
for the path that I take.
그리고 내가 나아가는 길에
다른 누군가를 비난하고 싶지도 않아

- Vijay Mallya

운명 영어 명언

I have always believed,
and I still believe, that
늘 믿어왔고, 여전히 전 믿어요
whatever good or bad fortune
may come our way
좋은 운이던 나쁜 운이던 간에
we can always give it meaning
언제나 그것에 의미를 부여할 수 있어요
and transform it
into something of value.
가치있는 무언가로 변화시킬 수도 있고요

- Hermann Hesse


I believe you are destined
to do great things.
너가 훌륭한 일을 할 운명이란 걸 믿어
God created you for a purpose.
신은 어떠한 목적으로 너를 창조했으니까

- Joyce Meyer



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