[ 사랑 영어 명언 12가지 ]


I need you like a heart needs a beat.
심장이 박동을 필요로하듯 전 당신이 필요해요


Our relationship is meant to be.
Something that was written
in the stars and
drawn into our destiny.
우리 관계는 운명입니다
별자리에 쓰여져서 운명에 이끌린거죠
There are only two times
that I want to be with you.
Now and Forever.
당신과 함께하고 싶은
오직 두개의 시간이 있죠
현재, 그리고 영원이에요


It is true that my heart
always skips a beat
when you take my name.
당신이 제 이름을 부를때
제 심장이 심쿵하는 건 사실입니다

사랑 영어 명언

When I look into your eyes,
I know I have found
the mirror of my soul.
당신의 눈을 바라볼 때,
제 영혼의 거울을 발견하곤 하죠
You don't marry someone
you can live with.
You mary the person
who you cannot live without.
당신이 함께 살 수있는 사람과 결혼하지 마세요
없으면, 당신이 살 수 없는 사람과 결혼하세요

- Aleatha Romig

사랑 영어 명언

If you live to be a hundred,
I want to live to be a hundred
minus one day,
so I never have to live
without you.
당신이 백살까지 산다면,
전 구십구살까지 살고 싶어요
당신없이는 살 필요가 없으니까요

- Joan Powers


Once in a while,
right in the middle
of an ordinary life,
love gives us a fairy tale.
때때로, 평범한 삶의 한복판에서
사랑은 우리에게 동화를 선물하죠

- Melissa Brown


"I love you" means that
I will love you and stand by you
even through the worst of times.
"사랑해"는 최악의 상황에서도
당신을 사랑하고 곁에 있어주겠다는 뜻입니다


Forget the butterflies;
feel the whole zoo when I am with you.
약간의 설렘은 잊으세요
함께 있을 때 심장이 쿵쾅거리는 전율을 느끼세요

사랑 영어 명언

I may not be with you
at all times, but I want you
to know that you are never
out of my heart.
I love you.
늘 당신곁에 있지는 않겠지만,
당신이 제 마음에선 절대
벗어나지 않는다는 걸
알아줬으면 좋겠어요


My love for you has no depth,
its boundaries are ever expanding.
My love and my life with you
will be a never-ending story.
당신에 대한 제 사랑은 깊이가 없습니다
경계가 더욱 넓어지고 있으니까요
제 사랑, 그리고
당신과 함께하는 제 인생은
끝나지 않을 이야기입니다

- Christina White


