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Don't be in two minds. You know that I am your cup of tea taking one with another. But then again, you don’t even have to consider things cuz I keep coming to your mind.
Don't be in two minds. You know that I am your cup of tea taking one with another. But then again, you don’t even have to consider things cuz I keep coming to your mind.
2023.07.12These examples are written by me.In other words, it could sound weird a bit.or maybe a lot. taking one with another : 이것저것 생각해보면(고려해보면), 통틀어 말하면all things being consideredex. I can not control all the events down the road but I can choose how I respond to them taking one with another.미래에 일어날 모든 사건들을 통제할 순 없겠으나, 통틀어 생각해 보면 그들에게 어떻게 대응할지 선택할 순 있습니다.[ down the road 관련 표현 ] be in the same boat / mid..
If you take a liking to me, don’t hesitate to get closer to me. Keep breaking into my world.
If you take a liking to me, don’t hesitate to get closer to me. Keep breaking into my world.
2023.07.11These examples are written by me.In other words, it could sound weird a bit.or maybe a lot. take a liking to : -가 마음에 들다start to like someoneex. I was attracted by his letter that stroke a chord with me, but the question 'Is taking a liking to him a good signal for me?' keeps coming into my mind.심금을 울린 그의 편지에 끌렸지만, '그가 마음에 드는 게 과연 좋은 신호일까?' 라는 질문이 자꾸 떠오릅니다.[ strike a chord 관련 표현 ] toot one's own..
경박한, 바보같은, 까부는, 사소한 영어로 : frivolous / 아주 깨끗한, 오염되지 않은 : pristine
경박한, 바보같은, 까부는, 사소한 영어로 : frivolous / 아주 깨끗한, 오염되지 않은 : pristine
2023.07.07These examples are written by me.In other words, it could sound weird a bit.or maybe a lot. frivolous : 경박한, 바보같은; 까부는 / 사소한, 하찮은behaving in a silly or foolish way;describing something as unimportantex. His frivolous comments thatruffled my feathers made me grin and bear it cuz he is beneath notice.화를 돋우는 그의 경박한 발언은 저로하여금 쓴웃음을 지으며 참게했죠. 그는 상대할 가치조차 없으니까요.I was able to raise $100 million by tying..
다가오는, 기꺼이 말하는 : forthcoming / 확인해보지 않고 바로, 생각없는 영어로 : offhand
다가오는, 기꺼이 말하는 : forthcoming / 확인해보지 않고 바로, 생각없는 영어로 : offhand
2023.07.07These examples are written by me.In other words, it could sound weird a bit.or maybe a lot. forthcoming : 다가오는, 곧 있을 / 기꺼이 말하는, 밝히는about to be made available, appear, or be produceddescribes a person who is open, honest, and willing to share informationex. Go out and get it then another gift would be forthcoming.나가서 기회를 잡으세요. 그러면 또다른 선물이 다가올 겁니다.His reponse should be forthcoming, or I'd count th..
바보같은, 멍청한, 어리석은 영어로 : illin'
바보같은, 멍청한, 어리석은 영어로 : illin'
2023.07.05foolishstupidsillyidiotnerdjerkinanedaftfatuousmorondummyboneheadhalftwitdoofusjackassdumbasstwatdorkarsesmart-arsenot the sharpest tool in the shed[ not the sharpest tool in the shed 관련 표현 ] 완곡어법 (Euphemism) : go number one or two / love handles / kick the bucket / lose lunch / powder noseEuphemisms : 완곡 어법(표현) A word of expressions substituted for one considered to be rude, unpleasant, or emba..
머릿속에서 떠나지 않는, 자꾸 생각나는 영어로 : rent free
머릿속에서 떠나지 않는, 자꾸 생각나는 영어로 : rent free
2023.07.05These examples are written by me.In other words, it could sound weird a bit.or maybe a lot. rent free : (머리속에서) 떠나지 않는, 자꾸 생각나는*live rent free in someone's mind(head)로 함께 쓰여짐.can't stop thinking about someone or something(특히 비꼬거나 유머러스하게 사용될 때가 많다)ex. Even the memories we value most are fading as times go by, but why do you live rent free in my mind?우리에게 가장 소중한 추억들조차 시간이 지나면 희미해지기 마련인데, 왜 당신은 자꾸 ..
Situationship : 사귀진 않지만 친구 이상인 관계 영어로
Situationship : 사귀진 않지만 친구 이상인 관계 영어로
2023.07.04These examples are written by me.In other words, it could sound weird a bit.or maybe a lot. Situationship : A와 B사이가 우정과 사랑 사이의 관계a relationship more than friends but less than a coupleex. A: Are you dating him?B: Oh, no. We are not a couple, but in a situationship.A: 그랑 사겨?B: 아니, 사귀진 않지만, 친구 그 이상의 관계이긴 해.Well, my advice? Just be upfront about what you are looking for if you want to avoid a situa..
존나 좋은, 쩌는 영어로 : Bussin'
존나 좋은, 쩌는 영어로 : Bussin'
2023.07.02These examples are written by me.In other words, it could sound weird a bit.or maybe a lot.Bussin’ : 존나 좋은, 쩌는really, really goodex. This chocolate cake which proves that she has a knack for cooking is literally bussin'!그녀의 요리 솜씨를 증명하는 이 초콜릿 케이크는 존나 대박이에요! Damn, I still can't believe that I've nailed the test, and even it's bussin' I'm ranked at 1st at school!젠장, 내가 시험을 잘봤다는게 여전히 믿기지가 않아. 심지어 전교..
대단한, 만만치 않은 영어로 : hellacious / -을 해소하다 take the edge off / 비밀지켜줘 keep it on the down-low
대단한, 만만치 않은 영어로 : hellacious / -을 해소하다 take the edge off / 비밀지켜줘 keep it on the down-low
2023.07.01These examples are written by me.In other words, it could sound weird a bit.or maybe a lot. Hellacious : 대단한, 두드러진, 멋진 / 무서운, 만만치 않은, 심한awesomevery difficult, large or powerfulex. It's been a hellacious year, but we made it!만만치 않은 한 해였지만 우리는 해냈어!My roomie is hellacious sod who tells a flagrant lie pathologically.제 룸메이트는 노골적인 거짓말을 밥먹듯이 하는 굉장한 놈입니다.Hellacious! I can feel that she certainly has a c..
full-fledged / retarded / punk
full-fledged / retarded / punk
2023.06.28These examples are written by me.In other words, it could sound weird a bit.or maybe a lot. full-fledged : 완전히 성장한, 자격을 제대로 갖춘fully developed / meeting all the necessary requirements to be sthex. It has been years to be full-feldged in this position.이 자리에 자격을 갖추기까지 수년이 걸렸습니다.It might be an early judgment to forecast the full-fledged recovery in the economy.경제의 완벽한 회복을 예상하는 것은 섣부른 판단일 지도 모릅니다.Mel..
the Midas touch / cramped / lose one's shirt
the Midas touch / cramped / lose one's shirt
2023.06.26These examples are written by me.In other words, it could sound weird a bit.or maybe a lot. the Midas touch : 마이더스의 손(손대는 일마다 재정적 성공을 일뤄 내는 능력)the ability to make money easilyex. The girl who has the Midas touch is the breadwinner for the family.돈버는 재주가 있는 그 소녀는 가족의 생계를 책임지는 가장입니다.The financial genius is well known as the Midas touch.그 금융의 귀재는 마이더스 손으로 알려져 있죠.What do you suppose is a special met..
sticking point / footing / escalate / escalatory
sticking point / footing / escalate / escalatory
2023.06.26These examples are written by me.In other words, it could sound weird a bit.or maybe a lot. sticking point : (논의의 진행을 막는) 난제something that people disagree about and that prevents progress from being made in discussionsex. Her hobby is to mull over potential sticking point그녀의 취미는 잠재적인 난제에 대해 숙고하는 것이죠.[ mull over 관련 표현 ] 깊이 생각하다, 숙고하다 영어로 : mull over / perilous / annulThese examples are written by..