negligent : 부주의한, 태만한 (=inadvertent, heedless) / (사람, 태도가) 느긋한, 편안한 ; 자연스러운

ex. He was negligent of his duties.
그는 그의 임무를 태만히 했다.
ex. He waved his hands in a negligent gesture.
그는 자연스럽게 손을 흔들었다.




oust : (일자리, 권자에서)몰아내다(쫓아내다)

ex. In the 1991 Persian Gulf War, where the United Nation forces, led by Americans, ousted the invading Iraqi army from Kuwait's soil, the cessation of combat took place in short order after the Allies were able to wrest control of the skies from the infamous Saddam Hussein's air force.
미군이 주도하는 연합군이 쿠웨이트 영토로 침공한 이라크 군대를 쫓아낸 1991년 이라크 전쟁에서, 연합군이 악명 높은 사담 후세인 공군으로부터 제공권을 빼앗고 나자 즉각적으로 전투가 중단되었다.



foolhardy : (못마땅함) 무모한

ex. It would have been foolhardy for us to try to occupy that capital city and pile up American casualties
from sniper attacks by Iraq's guerillas.
우리가 수도를 점령해 이라크 게릴라에 의해 저격수 공격을 받아 희생자 수가 늘어났다면 무모했었을 것입니다.
[guerilla : 게릴라
A guerilla is someone who fights as part of an unofficial army, usually against an official army or police force.]




Monday morning quarterback : (이미 일이 있고 후에) 뒤늦게 따따부따하는 사람 (뒷말하는 사람)

ex. That may be hard for you Monday morning quarterbacks to understand but I thoroughly agreed with the
president who was convinced that such an action would have sent a bad message to the Arab
and would have splintered the Allied partnership.
당신네 뒷북치며 말만 하는 분들은 이해하기 힘들 수 있겠지만, 저는 그런 행동이 아랍권 국가에 안 좋은 메세지를 보낼 수 있고 연합군 동맹을 깰 수도 있다는 대통령의 말에 전적으로 동의했습니다.
[splinter : (나무, 유리, 암석)쪼개지다, 깨지다 ; 쪼개다. 깨다 / (사람들 무리가)분열되다]



bloodshed : 유혈사태

ex. Schwarzkopf reiterated that it was his mission to hurl back the invaders with a minimum of bloodshed but not,
he added in a caustic tone, "to splatter Saddam over the desert sands. That dictator's days are numbered,"
the general concluded, "but I expect his end is likely to come at the hands of his own people."
슈워츠코프 장군은 침략자들을 최소한의 희생을 쫓아내는 것이 그의 임무였지 "사막 모래에 사담의 피를 튀게 하는 것이 아니었다"고 신랄한 어조로 다시 말했다. "독재자의 시대는 갔지만 그 끝은 그 나라 사람들의 손에 의해 올 것임을 기대한다"는 말로 그는 이야기를 끝냈다.

