ominous : 불길한

ex. After the weatherman had seen the ominous clouds, he prognosticated rain.
기상 통보관은 불길한 구름을 본 뒤, 비를 예보했다.



tremulous : 떠는, 떨리는

ex. The widow's tremulous hands revealed her nervousness.
그 과부의 떨리는 손을 보면 초조해한다는 것을 알 수 있었다.
[jittery : (비격식)초조한, 조마조마한]




repudiate : 부인하다

ex. The general attempted to repudiate the testimony of the lieutenant,

claiming that the young officer was not an authority on low level bombing.

장군은  중위가 저공 비행 폭격 전문가가 아니라고 주장하면서, 그의 증언에 대해 부인하려 했다.

[lieutenant : (, , 공군의)중위(소위)]


cessation : 중지, 중단

ex. The cessation of the bombing in Iraq was urged by the United Nations.
이라크에 대한 폭격 중지가 유엔에 의해 촉구되었다.




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