[생리/생리통/월경 영어 표현 study]


menstruation : 월경(생리)
menstrual : 월경의(생리의)

ex. My menstruation cycle is usually 28 days.

내 월경주기는 보통 28일이다.

I become very edgy during my menstrual period.

나는 생리 기간에 신경이 예민해진다.


[edgy : (비격식) 초조해하는, 불안한 / (영화, 책, 음악 등이)통렬한, 신랄한

ex. He seems a little edgy today.

그 사람은 오늘 신경이 날카로워 보여.

I'm getting edgy as the exam date gets nearer.

시험 날짜가 다가올수록 긴장된다.

It was a clever, edgy film.

재기 넘치는 신랄한 영화였다.

생리 관련 영어 표현

I’m on my period : 생리중이야

[동일 표현]
I have/got my period.
I’m on the rag.
Aunt Flow is in town.
Aunt Flow is in town 표현이 맘에 든다(:
flow means how quickly the blood will come out of you.

월경 관련 영어 표현

PMS: 월경(생리)전 증후군
[ premenstrual syndrome ]
Premenstrual syndrome are things that happen to us before we actually get our period.
*symptoms : mood changes -> bitchy, frustrated, sad, over emotional.

ex. I’m PMSing, so don't bother me.

생리전 증후군을 겪고 있으니까 나 건드리지 마.

bloated : 부은, 부푼 / 배가 터질 듯한
I am bloated : retaining water
In your abdomen area, you retain water and it makes your stomach look bigger.
So, if you’re bloated, you’re retaining water, and things don’t feel comfortable around your waist anymore.

ex. I felt like my whole body was bloated.

내 온몸이 부은 느낌이었어.

I get bloated and can’t seem to digest food properly.

헛배가 부르고 소화가 잘 안되.


cramps : 경련 / 위경련
I have cramps : excruciating pain
Some people will get these symptoms, other people won’t.
It feels like somebody’s basically stabbing you in the abdomen with a knife.

ex. These cramps have really gotten the best of me.

이 생리통이 진짜로 날 이겨먹으려고 하네.

생리 관련 영어 표현

air-conditioningitis : 냉방병

ex. What makes the matter worse, I caught a cold due to the air-conditioningitis since I’ve been working right under the air-conditioner.

엎친 데 덮친 격으로 에어컨 바로 밑에서 일해온 뒤로 냉방병 때문에 감기까지 걸렸다.


cravings : 갈망, 열망
I really want chocolate : strong desires.
For some reasons, this happens around our periods.

ex. Most people on the period have a craving for something sweet but I keep craving for changing places.

생리중인 대부분의 사람들은 무언가 단 것을 먹고 싶어하지만, 나는 자꾸 자리를 바꾸기를 갈망한다.

sanitary pad(미) /sanitary towel(영) : 생리대
(in your panties)
tampons : 탐폰
(go inside you)
menstrual cup : 생리컵
(goes inside you, for many hours)

ex. We need to change sanitray pads regularly, at least every four to six hours.

생리대를 정기적으로, 최소한 4~6시간마다 교체해줘야 한다.

Many girls are more comfortable starting with pads, but it's OK to use tampons right away.

많은 여학생들이 패드로 시작하고 싶어하지만, 바로 탐폰을 사용해도 괜찮다.

Menstrual cups are a comfortable, eco-friendly, and cost-effective product.

생리컵은 편하고, 환경 친화적이고, 비용면에서도 효율적인 제품이다.

생리통 관련 영어 표현
