rub elbows with : -와 접촉하다, 교제하다, 친밀하게 지내다
have contact with
associate closely; to socialize; mingle

ex. I don't care to rub elbows with someone who acts like that.

그렇게 행동하는 사람하고는 교제하고 싶지 않다.

You don't have to rub elbows with someone you disagree with.

당신과 맞지않는 사람과 어울릴 필요는 없어요.

According to prosecutors, he didn't know any of the celebrities he claimed to rub elbows with.

검찰에 따르면, 그는 그와 어울렸다고 주장하는 연예인들을 알지도 못했습니다.

get something off your chest : -을 털어놓다
need to tell somone something that might be really difficult to say

ex. It's good to get things off your chest from time to time.

때로는 짓누르고 있는 것들을 터놓고 얘기하는게 좋아요.

What are you hiding you'd like to get off your chest?

숨기고 있는데 털어놓고 싶은게 뭐죠?

Let me know what you think, especially if there's something you'd love to get off your chest.

특히 너가 털어놓고 말하고 싶은게 있다면, 생각 하는 알려줘.

leverage : 영향력, (목적 달성을 위한)수단, 효력
ability to influence situations or people so that you can control what happens

ex. That gives its author a lot of political leverage.

그것은 작가에게 정치적 협상력을 많이 준다.

What other leverage do we have?

우리가 가지고 있는 다른 방법은 어떤게 있나요?

Maybe labor had a little bit more leverage this year and they were able to negotiate some wage increases.

어쩌면 올해는 노조가 조금 영향력을 발휘하여 임금인상을 협상할 있었습니다.

