have a whale of a time / in the clear / shed light on
have a whale of a time : 굉장히 즐거워하다(즐거운 시간을 보내다)
enjoy yourself very much, have a very great time
* a whale of a : 엄청나게 큰, 굉장한
ex. We took on a trip to Jeju island this summer, and had a whale of a time.
우리는 이번 여름에 제주도로 여행을 갔고, 즐거운 시간을 보냈어.
We're going to have a whale of a time on your birthday.
당신의 생일날, 우린 즐거운 시간을 보낼 겁니다.
During the festival, adutls as well as children had a whale of a time.
축제동안, 아이들뿐 아니라 어른들 역시 굉장히 즐거워 했습니다.
in the clear : 위험(혐의)을 벗어난, 깨끗해진
to be free from danger, illness or suspicion
to be innocent; not guilty
ex. The police concluded that he was in the clear.
경찰은 그가 결백하다는 결론을 내렸습니다.
I need to know that she's in the clear.
그녀가 결백하다는 걸 알아야 해.
I took a day off last Friday cuz I thought I was in the clear, but I caught a cold.
아프지 않다고 생각해서 저번주 금요일날 휴가를 썼는데, 감기에 걸렸지 뭐야.
shed light on : -을 비추다; 밝히다, 해명하다
to reveal something; to make
something clearer; to clarify something
ex. This exercise may shed light on how the universe works.
이 연구는 우주가 어떻게 작동하는지 알려줄 것이다.
This investigation has not shed light on how the leak occurred.
이 조사는 어떻게 그 누출이 발생했는지 조명하지 못했다.
Can you shed light on this?
이것에 대해 사실을 밝힐 수 있나요?
I hope that at the end of the day we will be able to shed some light on those issues.
결국 저희가 그 문제들을 얼마간 밝혀낼 수 있기를 바랍니다.
'English' 카테고리의 다른 글
이 글 공유하기
다른 글
hot mess / take a breather / feel off / puzzled
hot mess / take a breather / feel off / puzzled
2023.01.16 -
giddy (with excitement) / wear one's heart on one's sleeve / be prickly / get worn down
giddy (with excitement) / wear one's heart on one's sleeve / be prickly / get worn down
2023.01.14 -
water under the bridge / bridge the gap / cross that bridge when we get there / build bridges / burn one's bridges
water under the bridge / bridge the gap / cross that bridge when we get there / build bridges / burn one's bridges
2023.01.13 -
gung ho / mind your PS and QS / bull in a china shop / bite the dust / Bob's your uncle
gung ho / mind your PS and QS / bull in a china shop / bite the dust / Bob's your uncle