bottom of the barrel / ahead of the curve
bottom of the barrel : 퀄리티가 너무 낮은
a person or thing of the very lowest quality
ex. That cheap headset I bought yesterday was really the bottom of the barrel.
어제 샀던 저렴한 헤드셋은 퀄리티가 너무 낮았어.
I think this movie isn't the bottom of the barrel.
이 영화가 수준이 낮은 건 아니라고 생각해.
She has worked herself up from the bottom of the barrel.
그녀는 낮은 수준에서부터 차근차근 밟아 올라갔다.
The professor is totally the bottom of the barrel. He doesn't know anything.
그 교수 실력이 정말로 별로야. 그는 아무것도 모르거든.
ahead of the curve : 시대에 앞서서, 유행에 앞서서 / 평균보다 나은
to be a leader in something
better than average
ahead of current thinking or trends
<-> behind the curve : 시대(유행)에 뒤쳐져
ex. IT companies are always looking to stay ahead of the curve.
IT회사들은 늘 시대에 앞서기를 추구한다.
It wouldn't hurt to stay ahead of the curve.
시대를 앞서간다고 손해보진 않을 거야.
The final test was so difficult but, it turned out this mornig that I'm at least ahead of the curve.
마지막 시험은 매우 어려웠지만, 평균보다 잘했다는 결과가 오늘 아침 나왔어.
'English' 카테고리의 다른 글
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